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Mr. Gary Parkinson <br />2812 Colby <br />Evcrctt, WA 98201 <br />RI's: <br />Dcar Gary, <br />Owner: <br />Job Address: <br />Plan Check No: <br />/ PUBL/C SERV/CES DEPARTMENT <br />Millcr Ross <br />2817 Wetmorc <br />130708-007 <br />[n responsc to your application for a constn�ction perniit, your plans havc becn examinecl and <br />you are advised that tlic issuance of a permit is bcing withhcld for the rcasons listed below. <br />7'hese comments address building issucs only. Additional revisions, or additions, may bc <br />rcquircd by otlicr dcpartmcnts (such as Utilities, Pl:mning or Pirc). All refcrences refcr to the <br />2006 Intcrnational Building Code, as :miended by the Statc of Washingron and adopted by tl�e <br />Ciry of fiverctt and tlm Washington State L'nergy Code, 2006 Eclition, unless stated othenvise. <br />In order for llie processing of y�our application to continue, il «�ill be necessary to provide <br />tlie liuilding Uivision with two complcle nea� scts of drawings rcflecting lhc corrections <br />requeslcd. <br />Section 1020.1 reyuires the exit endosure to be enclosed by fire-barriers conswcted in <br />accordance with Seclion 7W or horizuntal assemblies constnicted in accordance with <br />Section 711, or holh. Since this proposed enclosure has horizontal jogs in it, there will <br />hc somc horizonlal assemhlics which should be indicated. Section 70G.5 rcquires the l <br />hour construclion (protection) to continue through tlie �oodeeiling assembly. In other <br />words thc vcrlical onc-liour firc-barricr cannot bc inlcrrupted by a onc-hour <br />tloor/cciling assembly. It has to go through it. Please provide details. <br />Ylcasc preparo a response Icucr shuwing where each item in this corrcction Ietter is addressed <br />on thc plan sct. <br />Llpon rcsubmittal of thc drawings, your application will Uc givcn priority and plan revicw will <br />recommence. <br />All rcquircd submivals shall be of sufficiem detail and contain suf6cienl information to ensure <br />that Qic proposed slructure will be constnicted in compliance with all adopted codes. <br />Sinccrcly. <br />.n-,� � <br />Stevc Millc[ <br />Associatc L'nginccr <br />�.;? ��-t <br />CITY OF [VERETT • 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257-8856 <br />ui ni ri sr�;.��crx �ni �.r.a �vrnun�, C•r �v_tn�uxr. ncbi <br />