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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />CIVIL EMERGENCY ORDER <br />EXEMPTING RETAIL ESTABLSIHMENTS FROM CHAPTER 8.21 EMC <br /> <br />WHEREAS, <br /> <br />A. In my capacity as Mayor, I proclaimed a civil emergency exists in the City of Everett in the Mayoral <br />Proclamation of Civil Emergency dated March 4, 2020. <br /> <br />B. The facts stated in that proclamation continue to exist. <br /> <br />C. The civil emergency necessitates the utilization of emergency powers granted to the Mayor pursuant <br />to chapter 9.02 EMC and chapter 38.52 RCW. <br /> <br />D. EMC 9.02.020.J authorizes the Mayor to proclaim “such other orders as are imminently necessary for <br />the protection of life and property” and take extraordinary measures to protect the public peace, safety <br />and welfare. <br /> <br />E. Chapter 8.21 EMC establishes certain restrictions on retail establishments concerning the use of <br />carryout bags. <br /> <br />F. Due to the COVID 19 civil emergency, enforcement of the requirements of chapter 8.21 EMC places an <br />undue hardship on retail establishments and creates a health hazard for the employees of such <br />establishments. <br /> <br />BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF EVERETT, THAT: <br />I, CASSIE FRANKLIN, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF EVERETT, ACTING UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF CHAPTER <br />9.02 EMC, AND MY MAYORAL PROCLAMATION OF CIVIL EMERGENCY, DATED MARCH 4, 2020, <br />HEREBY ORDER: <br /> <br />Retail establishments, as defined in EMC 8.21.010.B, are exempt from the requirements of chapter 8.21 <br />EMC. This Order is effective immediately but must be ratified by the City Council at its March 25,2020 <br />Council meeting to remain in effect. If ratified, it shall remain in effect until April 22, 2020, unless earlier <br />rescinded by the Mayor. This Order may be renewed after 30 days, subject to ratification by the City <br />Council. <br /> <br />DATED this 23rd day of March, 2020. <br /> <br />______________________________________ <br />MAYOR CASSIE FRANKLIN