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with prior approval by the City of Everett.These are options to consider after the above <br /> listed BMPs are evaluated. <br /> 2. Determine which options you must use for managing stormwater from hard surfaces(driveways, <br /> paved pathways,etc.)by considering the following for each type of hard surface proposed: <br /> • BMP 12.60 Concentrated Flow Dispersion <br /> • BMP 12.70 Sheet Flow Dispersion <br /> Note: Propose an alternative stormwater management plan if none of the above BMPs can feasibly be <br /> installed. (Examples:Shallow vegetated swale,perforated pipe stub-out, etc.) <br /> Provide your Evaluation below and Show where these will take place on a site map: <br /> Onsite infiltration areas will not be used as the underlying infiltrative capacity of Till soils is minimal. <br /> Additionally,the design criteria cannot be met to provide 250sf per 1,000sf of rooftop. Raingardens will <br /> also not be able to be used as the low permeability of Till soils will likely create stagnate water. <br /> Downspout Dispersion will not be able to be used as there is not a 25ft flow path on the site while still <br /> complying with the GMA and City of Everett Code. Downspout perforated pipe stub outs/infiltration <br /> trench will be proposed.An infiltration trench is shown to the maximum extent feasible. The trench is <br /> connected through the center with a perforated pipe to release un-infiltrated stormwater. This trench <br /> measures 26.3 sf and is maximized amongst the setbacks between homes and property lines. <br /> The perforated stub out connection/Infiltration trench is located in the center of the site,in between <br /> the two proposed structures. <br /> Pa e4of7 <br /> s <br /> 5.,... c,.t" _.,. __,.E� . 3200 Cedar Street Everett, VIA e y�.afi..2 ._�. 425-257-8R10 ,c..v e T..t#,iaJ r <br />