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5. Please describe any critical areas on the site(wetlands, buffers,steep slopes,etc.)This <br /> information can be obtained from the City's GIS data,and is available at the permit <br /> counter. No critical areas are known to exist on the site. <br /> 6. What types of soils are found on the site? <br /> **Note:to determine the type of soils on the site, please visit the Natural Resources <br /> Conservation Service's Web Soil Survey at,click the <br /> green button that says Start WSS, then type in your address under Quick Navigation, create <br /> an Area of Interest(AOI)and click the second tab(Soil Map). The soil types will pop up with a <br /> hyperlink and the properties of each will be available when you click the hyperlink. <br /> Alderwood Urban Land complex, Hydrologic Soil Group B. Althrough,Geologic mappings in <br /> the vicinity of the site describe the soils as Till,a type C soil. <br /> ',:e2of7 <br /> CITY O _. _ _.., 3200 Cedar StreetEverett., _`198201 425-257-H10 _ve e_...,. go <br />