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April 16.2008 <br /> Roll was a called with all council members voting yes except Council <br /> Member Ha0oe who was excused. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> PUBLIC HEARING—COUNCIL BILL NO,0803-16 <br /> Council President Nielsen opened a public hearing regarding Council Bill <br /> No.0803-16.a proposed ordinance amending Paragraph J of Section 3 of <br /> Ordinance No.2973-07,as amended,pertaining to the permitted height of <br /> buildings that are accessory to residential uses. <br /> Allan Gillen.Planning.stated that the City Council adopted a fairly <br /> extensive set of amendments to the regulations governing accessory <br /> buildings about a year ago.One of the amendments Included revisions to <br /> the permitted building height.The regulations differed for lots that have <br /> access from the alley and lots that do not. The code currently allows <br /> buildings that have access to an alley to be 20 feet high.whereas on other <br /> lots the height is only 15 feet.That height can be exceeded through a <br /> public notice and review process with a maximum height of up to 20 feet. <br /> He remarked that they have teamed of a situation In which the height <br /> which was permitted off of an alley lot has the same impact as if it were <br /> not an alley lot so they felt that it was not appropriate to treat the two <br /> situations differently.This amendment would make the maximum height <br /> 15 feet regardless of whet kind of lot it is situated on with a possibility. <br /> through a public review process,to go to a maximum height of 20 feet. <br /> Nick Eckert,2807 Victor Place,spoke in opposition to the proposed <br /> amendment.He remarked that the difference in building heights for lots <br /> with alley access should remain different from those that do not. <br /> Mike Brust, 4527 Delaware, spoke in support of the proposed <br /> amendment.He stated that he is the individual who was Impacted by the <br /> current zoning code.He remarked that his neighbor with no public notice <br /> or review obtained a building permit and erected a 20 foot building which <br /> obstructs his view of the mountains and valley. <br /> 115 <br />