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COBALT <br /> GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIO1/4.4 <br /> N G E O S C I E N C E S <br /> EVERETT,WASHINGTON <br /> December 5, 2019 <br /> ii. Hillsides intersecting geologic contacts with a relatively permeable sediment overlying a relatively <br /> impermeable sediment or bedrock;and <br /> iii. Springs,groundwater seepage,or saturated soils. <br /> d. Any area which has shown movement during the Holocene epoch(from ten thousand years ago to the <br /> present)or which is underlain or covered by mass wastage debris of that epoch. <br /> e. Any area potentially unstable as a result of rapid stream incision,stream bank erosion or undercutting <br /> by wave action. <br /> f. Areas of historic failures, including areas of unstable, old and recent landslides or landslide debris <br /> within a head scarp, and areas exhibiting geomorphological features indicative of past slope failure, such <br /> as hummocky ground,slumps,earthflows,mudflows,etc. <br /> g. Any area with a slope of forty percent or steeper and with a vertical relief of fifteen or more feet, <br /> except those manmade slopes created under the design and inspection of a geotechnical professional, <br /> or slopes composed of consolidated rock. <br /> h. Areas that are at risk of landslide due to high seismic hazard. <br /> i. Areas that are at risk of landslides or mass movement due to severe erosion hazards. <br /> B. Protective Requirements. <br /> 1. Geotechnical Assessment Requirements. Development proposals on or within two hundred feet of any <br /> area designated as or which, based on site-specific field investigation, the city has reason to believe are <br /> geologically hazardous areas shall submit a geological assessment as required by subsection F of this <br /> section. <br /> 2 The setback buffer requirement shall be based upon information contained in a geological <br /> assessment,and shall be measured on a horizontal plane from a vertical line established at the edge of the <br /> geologically hazardous area limits(both from the top and toe of slope).In the event that a specific setback <br /> buffer is not included in the recommendation of the geological assessment, the setback buffer shall be <br /> based upon the standards contained in Chapter iq;i8 of the International Building Code (IBC), or as the <br /> IBC is updated and amended. <br /> It is our opinion that the proposed locations of the residences are suitable. They are currently set back <br /> at least 4o feet from the top of the steep slope areas (Figure 2). We recommend a minimum building <br /> setback of 25 feet from the top of the steep slopes. We recommend a minimum buffer of 15 feet for <br /> vegetation from the top of the slope. <br /> a. If the geological assessment recommends setback buffers that are less than the standard buffers that <br /> would result from application of Chapter 19.18 of the IBC,the specific rationale and basis for the reduced <br /> buffers shall be clearly articulated in the geological assessment. <br /> b. The city mayrequire larger.setback buffer widths under any of the following circumstances: <br /> i. The land is susceptible to severe erosion and erosion control measures will not effectively prevent <br /> adverse impacts. <br /> ii. The area has a severe risk of slope failure or downslope stormwater drainage impacts. <br /> 4 <br /> PO Box 82243 <br /> Kenmore,WA 98028 <br /> cobaltgeo Ca gmaij,tom <br /> 206-331-m97 <br />