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OPTION DESCRIPTION CREDIT(S) OPTION DESCRIPTION CREDIT(S) <br /> .......�_.-,_._....-_.,-.-�=.Ta,:-...,:�:.--..c-",:,.::-,:_.'-:Si•t.>_.^..:.;.c:;:"...:r.'z''..,'e:^-;_"i-'",.3a:_,:}...r.::'.::..;...;.:,-z, ,a:.:•^"",,_,.-,:'" ......_:..�"..,..._"_._.,.............-..._.. ..,..__.,.-_ <br /> �+ /� & MOISTURE <br /> �e p PROTECTION�'e <br /> CODES INSULATION MOISTURE f RO 1 ECTION . la EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPE la: 0.5 5d EFFICIENT WATER HEATING 5d: 0.5 <br /> Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: A drain water heat recovery unit(s)shall be installed.which captures waste water heat <br /> The following codes and classifications are applicable to this project and are to be enforced: Vertical fenestration U =0.28 from all the showers,and has a minimum efficiency of40%if installed for equal flow or -- "'_ -"- -. --.-- -s -.- <br /> 2015 International Building Code (Structural for Residential) Unless noted otherwise, insulation to beper the Washington State EnergyCode. Insulation baffles <br /> g Floor R-38 a minimum efficiency of52°/"i1^installed for unequal flow.Such units shall he rated in <br /> are to be installed to keep a 1" air space for attic ventilation. The baffles are to extend 12" above the Slab on grade R-10 perimeter and under entire slab accordance with CSA B55.i and be so labeled. <br /> 2015 International Residential Code (Ordinance) <br /> Below grade slab R 10 perimeter and under entire slab To qualify to claim credit,the building permit drawings shall include a plumbing insulation. Insulate around all showers and tubs. Fully insulate all cavities in exterior walls. Face- Todiagram that specifies this he drain water heat recoveryrmitunits and the plumbingepl layout <br /> 2015 Washington State Energy Code and Ventilation Code orP <br /> . staple all kraft-backed baits. All kraft seams to be sealed with duct type tape. Friction fit all non kraft- Compliance based on Section R402.1.4: Reduce the Total UA by 5%. needed to install it and labels or other documentation shall be provided that <br /> - backed baits and support with wire stays. Piping for hot water heat systems or continuously lb EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPE lb: 1.0 demonstrates that the unit complies with the standard. <br /> Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: 6 RENEWABLE ELECTRIC ENERGY: 0.5 <br /> BUILDING CIfCUlating hot water systems are required to be insulated with R-3. For each 1200 kWh of electrical generation per housing unit provided annually by <br /> Vertical fenestration U =0.25 <br /> • <br /> Wall R-21 plus R-4 on-site wind or solar equipment a 0.5 credit shall be allowed,up to 3 credits.Generation <br /> Construction Type: VB Seismic Zone: D2 INFILTRATION CONTROL • Floor R-38 shall be calculated as follows: Wryi <br /> 1. All exteriorjoints and openings shall be sealed, caulked, gasketed or weather-stripped to limit Basement wall R-21 int plus R-5 ci For solar electric systems,the design shall he demonstrated to meet this requirement ,. _ <br /> Occupancy Group: �f� • Wind Speed: 85 MPH/3sec. 120 MPH Gust PP '" -_- <br /> Slab on grade R-10 perimeter and under entire slab using the National Renewable Energy Laboratory calculator PV WAT t's. <br /> Fire Zone: 3 Exposure Category: B Kzt: 1,f� air leakage. Examples of joints or openings include: windows, doors, openings between walls Below grade slab R-10 perimeter and under entire slab Documentation noting solar access shall be included on the plans. <br /> and foundations, between walls and roof and between wall panels, openings at penetrations of or For wind generation projects designs shall document annual power generation based on <br /> the following factors: <br /> LOADING: Floor Live Load: 40psf Dead Load: 10psf utility services and access panels into unheated spaces. Compliance based on Section R402.1.4: Reduce the Total UA by 15%. The wind turbine power curve:average annual wind speed at the site: frequency ® ' <br /> Roof Live Load: 25psf Dead Load: 15psf 2. All exterior doors, other than fire-rated doors, shall be designed to limit air leakage around their lc EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPE lc: 2.0 distribution of the wind speed at the site and of the tower. <br /> P height1 <br /> Dead Load: 10psf Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1,1 with the following modifications: To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option i <br /> Stairs Live Load: 100psfP perimeter when in a closed position. Doors between the residence and the garage are not Vertical fenestration U =0.22 being selected and shall show the photovoltaic or wind turbine equipment type,provide <br /> Exterior and Interior Walls: ®cad Load: SSplf considered 'fire-rated' even though they must Carry a 20minute rating. Ceiling and single-rafter or joist-vaulted R-49 advanced documentation of solar and wind access,and include a calculation of the minimum <br /> Wood frame wall R 21 int plus R 12 ci annual energy power production. 41 ' : <br /> 3. All exterior windows shall be designed to admit infiltration into or from the building envelope. Floor R-38 <br /> Contractor shall verify all notes, dimensions and conditions prior to construction. During demolition Site-built and shop- built wooden sashes are exempt from infiltration criteria, but must be made Basement wall R-21 int plus R-12 ci a. Projects using this option may not use Option la, 1 b or lc. <br /> and construction the Contractor shall provide temporary bracing for support and stability until all tight on grade R-10 perimeter an under entire slab • t _1 <br /> tit fitting and weather-stripped and caulked. b. Projects may only include credit from one space heating option,3a 3b,3c or 3d. When a housing unit has h,o pieces of <br /> g g PP l and i l <br /> Below grade slab R-10 perimeter and under entire slab a `✓ <br /> positive connections have been installed. The Contractor shall report all discrepancies to the • 4. Recessed light fixtures in ceilings of unheated attic spaces to limit air leakage. equipment(i.e.,two furnaces)both must meet the standard to receive the credit. <br /> or <br /> Designer when they are noted. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled drawings. <br /> Compliance based on Section R402.1.4: Reduce the Total UA by 30%. c. Plumbing Fixtures Flow Ratings. Low flow plumbing fixtures(slater closets and urinals)and fittings(faucets and <br /> showerheads)shall comply with the following requirements: e. ,ti <br /> VAPOR BARRIERS /GROUND COVERS ids EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPE Id: 0.5 1. Residential bathroom lavatory sink faucets: Maximum flow rate-3.8 L/rain(1.0 gal/min)when tested in accordance i`=t <br /> An approved vapor barrier shall be installed on all exterior walls on the warm side of all roof decks Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: with ASME Al 12.18:1/CSA B 125.I. <br /> SITE WORK Vertical fenestration U=0.24 .. <br /> and on the warm side of all rafters that are both ceiling and roof support members. The net free area 2. Residential kitchen faucets: Maximum flow rate-6.6 Unfit] (1.75 gal/min)when tested in accordance with ASME +`? -• <br /> Unless a state approved G@aechnical Engineer has performed a soils investigation and report, the 9 PP OPTION DESCRIPTION CREDIT(S) Al 12.18.1/CSA B125.1. <br /> for attic ventilation maybe 1/150 or 1/300 of the total attic areaprovided a vapor barrier, havinga '`' E <br /> be designed based on the assumption that the average soil bearing is 2000psf. P 2a AIR LEAKAGE CONTROL AND EFFICIENT VENTILATION 2a: 0.5 3. Residential showerheads: Maximum Flom'rate 6.6 Um (1.75 gal/min)when tested in accordance with A5ME <br /> foundation willg P <br /> Exterior footings shall be a minimum 12" below finished grade for one-story structures or 18" below perm rating not exceeding 1, Is Installed on the warm side Of the Insulation. A ground cover Of 6 mil Compliance based on R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 3,0 air changes per AI 12.18.1/CSA B I25.1. r i111 0. <br /> 0.006" black polyethylenehour maximum ': <br /> finishedgrade for multiple-story structures on undisturbed soil. Footing drains, if required, are to be . (0.006") (visquene), or equal, shall be laid over the bare earth in all crawl spaces. ' <br /> The cover shall be lapped 12" minimum at all seams and extend upthe foundation wall to the mudsill and <br /> tied to existing or new systems. Mono-pour slabs with footings shall be a minimum 12" below finished PP TABLE R402.1.1 ' `� <br /> All whole house ventilation requirements as determined by Section M 1507.3 of the INSULATION AND FENESTRATION REQUIREMENTS BY COMPONENT' .; <br /> grade. Foundation vents shall not interfere with bearing points or be within 3" of lateral holdowns. plate. International Residential Code shall be met with a high efficiency fan(maximum 0.35 <br /> r..: <br /> watts/cfm),not interlocked with the furnace fan.Ventilation systems using a furnace <br /> Finish grade shall be a mine 6" below the top of foundation. including an ECM motor are allowed,provided that they are controlled to operate at low CLIMATE ZONE 5 AND MARINE 4 I E <br /> DOORS' WINDOWS & SKYLIGHTS speed in ventilation only mode. <br /> FENESTRATIONb <br /> U-FACTOR fl.3t) <br /> To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option •� <br /> TU <br /> CONCRETE Doors to the exterior Or from the house to the garage must have a minimum 36"x36" landing within 2" being selected and shall specify the maximum tested building air leakage and shall SKYLIGHTb U-FACTOR 0.50 .:° <br /> of the door threshold. Maximum 7.75" risers and minimum 10" treads, w/ 1" nosing, required to all show the qualifying ventilation system. b ° -- - . w e4 <br /> Class and Use F C Slump Min. Sacks/cyg q GLAZED FENESTRATION SHGC <br /> ' NR <br /> steps leading to the landings. All skylights and sky walls to be laminated glass unless noted , 2b AIR LEAKAGE CONTROL AND EFFICIENT VENTILATION 2b: 1.0 • ® �y <br /> A. Footings and foundations 2500 3-4 5 j otherwise. French doors and slidingglass doors are to be doubleglazed tempered safetyIasS. All Compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 2.0 air CEILING R-VALUES 49 ty <br /> 10 <br /> B. Slabs on grade 2500 3-4 5 /� P g changes per hour maximum <br /> glazing within 18" of the floor or within 24" of a door swingis to be tempered safetyglass. Other and WOOD FRAME WALLS' R-VALUE <br /> Air entraining agent (3%to 6%) to be used in all concrete flat work exposed to the weather, g g P 21 int <br /> Retardingagents maybe used, but must be installed by professional concrete provider. Concrete locations for tempered glass are tub and shower enclosures, glazing associated with guardrails and All whole house ventilation requirements as determined by Section M15073 of the <br /> Mass Wall R-Value' 21/21 - <br /> g International Residential Code shall be met with a heat recovery ventilation system n,="' . <br /> mix design and water-to-cement ratio to be in accordance to the IBC. any window areas within 60" of the stair nosing or landings. All window openings within 24" of the with minimum sensible heat recovery efficiency of0.70. FLOOR fit-VALUE 30 . ill �' f'' <br /> floor and greater than 6'-0" above exterior finished grade must be protected against window fall. To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option m • <br /> being selected and shall specify the maximum tested building air leakage and shall BELOW-(`TRADE` WALL R-VALUE 10.l5"%21 bit=TB <br /> REINFORCING STEEL and COVER show the heat recovery ventilation system. <br /> All steel reinforcing to be ASTM A615 Grade 40. All special reinforcing steel details to be approved Bedroom emergency egress window: minimum net clear opening width of 20"; minimum net clear 2c AIR LEAKAGE CONTROL AND EFFICIENT VENTILATION 2c: 1.5 SI-ABa R-VALUE&DEPTH 10,2 ft <br /> by a professional engineer. All splices are to be lapped 30 diameters. No splices to occur at opening height of 24"; minimum net clear opening of 5.7sqft; maximum finished opening height of 44" Compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 1.5 air <br /> changes per hour maximum For SI: 1 foot=304.8 min, ci =continuous insulation, int= intermediate framing. <br /> above finished floor. and a R-values are minimums. U-factors and SI-IGC are maximums. When insulation is installed in a cavity which <br /> locations of tension. rt <br /> /� All whole house ventilation requirements as determined by Section M1507.3 of the is less than the label or design thickness of the insulation,the compressed R-value of the insulation from <br /> Cover:3" Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth MECHANICAL International Residential Code shall be met with a heat recovery ventilation system Appendix Table A 101.4 shall not be less than the R-value specified in the table. <br /> with minimum sensible heat recovery efficiency of 0.85. n <br /> 1 /z" Concrete exposed to weather or temporarily to earth The fenestration U-factor colun ,excludes skylights.The SF1GC column applies to all glazed fenestration. <br /> Solid fuel burning appliances include airtight stoves, fireplace stoves and smaller room heater To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option b „ <br /> 1 /z" Beams and columns not exposed t0 earth or weather being selected and shall specify the maximum tested building air leakage and shall 10/15/21 +TB means R 10 continuous insulation Ott the exterior of the wall,or R-15 continuous insulation <br /> versions, factory built fireplaces, and fireplace inserts. All solid fuel burning appliances shall comply on the interior of the wall,or R-21 cavity insulation plus a thermal break between the slab and the <br /> show the heat recovery ventilation system. <br /> 3/4' Slabs or walls not exposed to earth or weather <br /> with the provisions of the IBC, IRC and IMC. 3ab HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC EQUIPMENT 3a: 1.0 basement wall at the interior of the basement wall^ "10/1 5/2I +TB" shall be permitted to be met with <br /> - Gas,propane or oil-fired furnace with minimum AFUE of 94%,or R-13 cavity insulation on the interior of the basement wall plus R-5 continuous insulation on the interior f <br /> CARPENTRY Each dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a temperature of 70 Gas,propane or oiled-fired boiler with minimum AFUE of92% or exterior of the wall. "TB" means thermal break between floor slab and basement wall, <br /> All structural framing and nailing are to conform to the requirements in the IBC or IRC. All wood in degrees F. at a height of 36" above the floor in all habitable rooms when the outside temperature is To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option <br /> d R-10 continuous insulation is re <br /> under heated slab on grade floors. See R402,2.9.1. <br /> being selected and shall specify the heating equipment type and the minimumq <br /> • contact with concrete to be pressure treated. All structural wood exposed to the weather to be 30 degrees F. A centrally located, programmable, heat-regulating device is required in each equipment efficiency. `There are no SHGC requirements in the Marine Zone. <br /> pressure treated. Wood bearing against or within 1" of masonry to be pressure treated. Soli 366 <br /> d 2X residence. Fuel burning equipment located within the building envelope shall obtain combustion air <br /> HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC EQUIPMENT 3b: 1.0 r Reserved. <br /> HSPF of 9 <br /> blocking shall be installed at ends and at all support points of all joists and rafters. Also, solid 2x <br /> from outdoors. All warm-air furnaces shall be listed and labeled by an approved agency and installed Air-source heat pump with minimun, .0 <br /> -Reserved. <br /> blockingTo <br /> or approved bridging shall be installed at the mid-span of all joists spanning more than 10'- to manufacturer's specifications. Appliances intended for installation in closets, alcoves or confined being qualify to claim this credit, theh building equipmentpq drawings shall specify the option r, .I <br /> Reserved. l <br /> p pp selected and shall specify heating type and the minimum <br /> PP g g shall be so listed. No warm-air fuel burning furnaces shall be installed in a room used as a equipment efficiency. 'The second R-value applies when more than half the insulation is on the interior of the mass wall. <br /> 0". Typical anchor bolts, tying sill plate to foundation, shall be minimum 5/8 diameter and embedded s paces 9 <br /> into the foundation minimum 8" at 4'-0"oc and 12" from all corners andplate separations. Bolt heads bedroom, bathroom, closet or any enclosed space with access only through such room or space. No 3ab HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC EQUIPMENT 3c: 1.5 <br /> Reserved. <br /> p +� Closed-loop ground source heat pump;with a minimum COP of 3.3 <br /> warm-air furnace shall be installed in a space less than 12 wider than the furnace or a clearance of For single rafter orjoist-vaulted ceilings, the insulation may be reduced to R 3R. <br /> and nuts bearing against wood to have 3"x3"x1/4" square washers. All metal framing anchors, or <br /> Reserved. �+ <br /> 3" alongthe sides, back and top. enclosed furnaces shall have a minimum 10s inch fresh air Open loopwater source heat pumpwith a maximum pumping hydraulic head of 150 • I � �/ <br /> feet and minimum COP of 3.6 m Int. intermediate denotes standard framin 16 inches on center with headers insulated with a <br /> connectors and hangers. called out on drawings to be Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors or designer P q P P P g Y ° <br /> approved equal. intake, unless located in the garage, attic or crawlspace. ( framing) E <br /> pp q To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option minimum of R-10 insulation. <br /> being selected and shall specify the heating equipment type and the minimum "Log and solid timber walls with a minimum average thickness of inches are exempt from .s ' t <br /> Minimum Wood-to-earth clearances: 6" Any untreated wood to earth .,_:_ <br /> 12" crawlspace floor beams to earth Building envelope air leakage control shall be considered acceptable when tested to have an air equipment efficiency. g p om this insulation <br /> leakage less than3air changesper hour when tested with a blower door at a pressure of 50 Pascals 3dt' HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC EQUIPMENT 3d: 1.0 requirement. t "T <br /> 18" Crawlspace floor joists to earth g 9 <br /> (0.2 inch w.g.). Testing shall occur at any time after rough in and after creation of penetrations of the Ductless Split System Heat Pumps,Zonal Control:In homes where the primary space 0 ' I <br /> heating system is zonal electric heating,a ductless heat pump system shall be installed <br /> LUMBER STRENGTH units in psi) building thermal envelope, including penetrations for utilities, plumbing, electrical, ventilation, and and provide heating to the largest zone of the housing unit. .>,Fr';°'" <br /> E combustion appliances and sealing thereof. When required by the building official, the test shall be qualify building permitdrawingsspecify option W.S.E.C. El <br /> Fv Fb being and shall specifyreit the heatingmenl type and thel minimum <br /> o tt <a^3 e <br /> Studs: Hem-Fir#3 75 500 1200K conducted in the presence of department staff. The blower door test results shall be recorded on the g equipment P equipment efficiency. ELECTRIC RESISTANCE OTHER FUELS <br /> _--_. <br /> Stud grade 75 675 1200K certificate, A Residential Energy Compliance Certificate complying with WSEC 401.3 is required to • 4 HiGH EFFICIENCY HVAC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: 1.0 PROPOSED INSULATION <br /> g be completed b the design professional or the builder and permanently posted within 36" Of the All heating and cooling system components installed inside the conditioned space.This MAX. GLAZING PERCENTAGE ALLOWED FLAT CEILINGS /ATTICS ,,�/ <br /> Joists & Rafters: Hem-Fir#2 (2X10)& (2x12) 75 850 1300K P Y g P P Y <br /> includes all equipment and distribution system components such as forced air ducts, <br /> electricalpanelprior to final inspection. PROPOSED GLAZING PERCENTAGE VAULTED CEILINGS <br /> hydronicpiping,h dronic floor heatingloop,convectors and radiators.All combustion <br /> Beams & Headers: 4x Doug-Fir#2/#1 95 875/1000 1600K/1700K P YIN RIM <br /> essucti <br /> 6x Doug-Fir#2/#1 85 875/1350. 1300K/1600K equipment shall be direct vent or sealed combustion. MAX. VERTICAL U-VALUE ALLOWED EXTERIOR WALLS <br /> Glulam Beams: Doug-Fir Larch 2 i - <br /> 4F-V4 190 2400 1800K Liquefied petroleum gas burning appliances shall not be installed in a pit, basement or similar location For forced air ducts:A maximum of 10 linear feet of return ducts and 5 linear feet of PROPOSED VERTICAL U-VALUE EXTERIOR BELOW GRADE WALLS <br /> supply ducts maybe located outside the conditioned space.All metallic ducts located 5 ;.,-r <br /> where heavier than airgas might collect. Appliances so fueled shall not be installed in an above, pp y P <br /> Micro-Lam: LVL 1.9E 290 2900 1900K 9 PPoutside the conditioned space must have both transverse and longitudinal joints sealed MAX. OVERHAED U-VALUE ALLOWED INTERIOR HOUSE/ GARAGE WALLS t is <br /> grade under floor space or basement unless such location is provided with an approved means for with mastic.If flex ducts are used,they cannot contain splices.Flex duct connections PROPOSED OVERHEAD U VALUE FLOORS OVER UNHEATED SPACES <br /> must be made with nylon straps and installed usinga strappingtool. <br /> removal of unburned gas. Heating and cooling equipment located in a garage and which generates a plastic tensioning MAX: DOOR U-VALUE ALLOWED SLAB PERIMETER <br /> 0 <br /> Loading: � Ducts located outside the conditioned space must he insulated to a minimum of R-8. ,. <br /> Roof 15psf Dead Load + 25psf Live Load v 40psf glow, spark or flame capabth of igniting flammable vapors shall be installed with the pilots, burners or ,_,:„ , <br /> pLocating system components in conditioned crawl spaces is not permitted under this PROPOSED DOOR U-VALUE DUCTS IN UNHEATED SPACES i <br /> Floor lopsf Dead Load + 40psf Live Load = 50psf heating elements and switches at least 18" above the finished floor. All air ducts passing from the option. .,e...-_...�___-_.__.•�_-__. ;' �, ffsi <br /> Ceiling 5psf Dead Load + 10psf Live Load m 15psf garage to the residence are to be constructed of steel not less than 0,019" thick and have n0 Electric resistance heat and ductless heat pumps are not permitted under this option. ' Il V ®® <br /> Deck 10psf Dead Load + Opsf Live Load m 1150psf openings into the garage. Warm-air furnaces installed in attics and/or erawlspaces shall have Direct combustion heating equipment with AFUE less than 80%is not permitted under ;' <br /> this option. <br /> 80 If oversized accesses for maintenance. All factory-built chimneys shall be installed per manufacturer's <br /> �: >� . <br /> a) Ism <br /> Interior Partition = P To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option �q� <br /> Exterior Partition e 90p1f specifications. All flues or chimneys for solid fuel fireplaces shall terminate minimum 24" higher than being selected and shall specify the heating equipment type and shall show the location W 0 <br /> anyroof or buildingstructure within 10'-0". Vent connectors shall be installed within the space or area _ of the heating and cooling equipment and all the ductwork. <br /> P - jam_. <br /> • in which the appliance is located and shall be connected to a chimney or vent in such ways as to 5a EFFICIENT WATER HEATING 5a: p.5 <br /> PLYWOOD All showerhead and kitchen sink faucets installed in the house shall be rated at 1.75 i <br /> Plywood wall and roof sheathing shall be 9/2" CDX or 7/16" OSB, unless otherwise specified, maintain proper distance from all combustibles. Heating and HVAC equipment for low-rise residential GPM or less.All other lavatory faucets Shall be rated at 1.0 GPM or less.° '' R. LEV <br /> Y shall be sized nogreater than 150% of the design load. To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option LIN CD <br /> Minimum nailing shall be 8d @ 6"oc on all panel edges and 12"ac in the field. The span index shall g <br /> be 24/0. Plywood subflooring shall be 3/" CDX or 11/16" OSB tongue-and-grove, unless otherwise being selected and shall specify the maximum flow rates for all showerheads,kitchen <br /> + 12"ocDUCTWORK sink faucets,and other lavatory faucets. <br /> CD CD <br /> specified. Minimum nailingshall be 10d 6 oc on panel edges bearing on supports and in the Sb EFFICIENT WATER HEATING 5b: <br /> P Lo - 6U 0 <br /> field. The span index shall be 40/20. Roof and floor sheathingshould be staggered a minimum 24". All ducts shall be of metal or facto made air ducts complyingwith and installed per the UMC, All Water heating system shall include one of the following: C imai <br /> g factory-made P Gas,propane or oil water heater with a minimum EF of 0.74 <br /> joint and seams shall be substantially airtight. All warm-air ducts in unheated areas are to have R-8 or - <br /> ;' la <br /> WOOD TRUSSES, insulation. All ducts, air handlers, filter boxes, and building cavities used as ducts shall be.sealed. Water heater heated by ground source heat pump meeting the requirements of Option <br /> shalls. <br /> be designed bya State approved engineer and fabricated only from the Joints and seams shall comply with the IRC or the IMC. Duct tightness testingshall be conducted3c. ® .` <br /> All roof and floor trusses g pp g P Y g to --_ 0) ®® <br /> or l <br /> approved designs. The trusses are to be stamped by the manufacturer or by an approved quality verify that the ducts are sealed. A signed affidavit documenting the test results shall be provided to ®® <br /> control agency. All truss designs are to be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to the jurisdiction having authority by the testing agent. For R-2 occupancy,a central heat pump water heater with an EF greater than 2.0 that f'>.' ' <br /> fabricationcopyof thed designstoto the Designer. Nonbearing walls shall not be would supply UHW to all the units through a central water loop insulated with R-8CO 1 '*t) <br /> and a approved PProveminimum pipe insulation. <br /> go <br /> j tied directly to the roof truss bottom chord unless with an approved connector. All truss-to-truss metal To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option <br /> connections are to be specified bythe designing engineer. The roof trusses shall be tied into the -PLUMBING being selected and shall specify the water heater equipment type and the minimum ; <br /> p 9 <br /> All water heaters installed in garages or other unheated areas to have R-10 rigid insulation at the equipment efficiency. <br /> � ar,9 <br /> � `� <br /> • Sc EFFICIENT WATER HEATING Sc: 1.5 <br /> framework and the supporting walls so as to form an Integral part of the whole structure. Temporary base. Water heaters to be installed 18" above concrete stabs, have pressure release valves that Water heating system shall include one of the following: <br /> diagonal and sway bracing shall be used until all required bracing and roof sheathing is installed. 1 CD <br /> terminate to the exterior of the structure and have seismic straps installed top and bottom of the tank. Gas,propane or oil water heater with a minimum EF oro.91 <br /> All showers, tubs and Kitchen sinks shall have 1.75gpm flow resisters. All toilets and water closets to or <br /> FIREPLACES Solar water heating supplementing a minimum standard water heater.Solar water "'�' <br /> have maximum I.5gallon flush. All other lavatories to have 1.0gpm flow resisters. heating will provide a rated minimum savings of 85 therms or 2000 kWh based on the Date <br /> Masonry fireplaces and chimneys are to be constructed to conform to all applicable portions of the <br /> IBC, IFC and International Mechanical Code. Chimneys shall support their own weight unless Solar Rating and Certification Corporation(SRCC)Annual Performance ofOG 300 <br /> Certified Solar Water Heating Systems. <br /> specifically designed to support additional loads. All fireplaces are to be provided with tightly fitting LIGHTING or <br /> ° Electric heat pump water heater with a minimum EF of 2.0 and meeting the standards of •Seale �� '-- .--'-'- --^- <br /> flue dampers and operated with a readily accessible manual or approved automatic control. An A minimum of 75% of lamps in permanently installed lighting fixtures shall be high-efficacy lamps. NEEA's Northern Climate Specifications for Heat Pump Water Heaters. <br /> Outside source of combustion air IS to be provided with a minimum 10 square inch duct. Drawn <br /> qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option <br /> Prefabricated fireplaces, Chimneys and related Components to bear UL Or ICBO seals of approval and • being selected and shall specify the water heater equipment type and the minimum <br /> installed per manufacturer's specifications. Masonry hearths are to extend 20" in front of and 12" equipment efficiency and,for solar water heating systems,the calculation of the <br /> with tight fitting tempered minimum energy savings. Job. beyond each side of the fireplace mouth. All fireplaces are to be providedg g p <br /> glass or metal doors. . • Sheet <br /> Ofr.. Sheets <br /> ?:i Y,14 (1!, t r f7riJr9r^e _ <br />