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EVERETT <br />WASHINGTON <br />April 6, 2021 <br />ANA PLES <br />4230 CRESCENT AVE <br />EVERETT, WA 98203 <br />CITY OF EVERETT <br />Permit Services <br />RE: STATUS OF CITY OF EVERETT PERMIT(S) LOCATED AT 4230 CRESCENT AVE <br />Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the following permit(s) have been extended to allow time to get the <br />inspection(s) necessary to complete your project. <br />PERMIT NO.: M2010-032 <br />DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Remove/replace gas water heater <br />EXPIRATION APRIL 6, 2021: 10/3/2021 <br />1. If work is complete, request a final inspection to close out the permit. <br />2. If work is continuing, request an inspection. <br />Sections 105.5 and R105.5 of the International Building Code and International Residential Code state that <br />permits become invalid if the work is not commenced or is suspended or abandoned for more than 180 <br />days. <br />Please request inspections through the Online Permitting Portal at Inspection requests <br />submitted online by 11:59pm Monday -Friday will be tentatively scheduled for the next business day. If the <br />volume of requests exceeds what can be completed the next business day, the remaining requests will be <br />given priority on the schedule for the following business day. <br />If you have questions or would like to discuss the status of the permit, contact our Permit Technicians at <br />425.257.8810, press option #8. <br />S3200 Cedar Street © 425.257.8810 <br />Everett, WA 98201 425.257.8857 fax <br />aiFi,om i <br />