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e <br />NON -CONFORMING BUILDING <br />CERTIFICATION #26-98 <br />PLANNING DIRECTOR DETERMINATION <br />Applicant: John Hendricks, 1110 Stlt St. #5, Marysville, WA 98270 <br />Description of pro"tx structure(s) being certified: <br />Zoning: B-2, Community Business <br />Legal Description: Lot 25, Block 12, Climax Land Co's Addition to Everett <br />Tax Parcel Number: 4113-012-025-0002 <br />Site Address: 4016 Hoyt Ave <br />According to the applicant's information the subject parcel is a 25 feet wide by 128 foot <br />deep lot. It is developed with an approximately 916 sq.ft. single family residence with <br />basement. The basement is approximately 836 sq.ft. The residence is located <br />approximately 21 feet from the front property line along Hoyt Ave. It is located only 2 <br />feet from the north side property line and only 1 foot from the south side property line. <br />The structure was originally built in 1910 according to the Snohomish County <br />Assessor's records. This structure pre -dates the City's 1956 zoning code and is <br />considered legal non -conforming. <br />The applicant proposes to remodel/repair the structure following fire damage. <br />The above structures) mef.ts the City of Everett Zoning Code in effect at the time of <br />construction and I hereby find that the above structure(s) are legal non -conforming <br />under the City of Everett Zoning Code. This certification is subject to revocation if it is <br />found that the information upon which it is be sed is erroneous. <br />Paul A. Roberts, Director Dat <br />This is an administrative decision appealable to the City's Land Use Hearing Examiner. <br />If you have questions or regarding this proposal or wish to file an appeal, please contact <br />Michael Palacios, City of Everett Planning Department, at 257-8731. <br />