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Section 1. Recitals. <br />I.I. The undersigned Grantor/Covenantor is/are the owner(s) ("Owner(s)") of or has/have a substantial <br />interest in the value, use, enjoyment, and occupation of the real property legally described above <br />("Property"). <br />1.2. The Grantee, the City of Everett, ("City") has a substantial interest in the safe and effective use of <br />lands within its borders, and in the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. <br />1.3. The Property is the location of a single family residential structure that is the principal residence of <br />the Owner(s) and an accessory dwelling unit within that single family residential structure. <br />1.4. The Owner(s) have made application to the City for a permit for an accessory dwelling unit in <br />accordance with the provisions of Title 19 of the Everett Municipal Code. <br />1.5. Before the City will issue any Permit for an accessory dwelling unit, this Declaration of Accessory <br />Dwelling Unit Covenant must be signed, acknowledged and recorded in the records of Snohomish County <br />as a restrictive covenant, restricting and limiting use of the Property. <br />1.6. This Covenant concerns the Grantor/Covenantor's use, occupation or enjoyment of the Property and <br />benefits the City as Grantee/Covenantee. This Covenant is intended to bind successors and assigns and <br />run with the land. <br />Section 2. Restrictions on Occupation, Use, and Development of the Property <br />The following restrictions apply to the occupation, use and enjoyment of the Property: <br />2.1. The accessory dwelling unit located on the property is permitted by the City of Everett subject to the <br />regulations set forth in Chapter 19.07 EMC, or as may be hereafter amended or superseded; and <br />2.2. The Owner(s) shall comply with the regulations referenced in Section 2.1 and certify the owner <br />occupancy of the principal residential structure on the Property; and <br />2.3. In the event there is a violation of any of the conditions for approval of the permit for the accessory <br />dwelling unit, the Owner(s), or their successors or assigns, must remove from the Property any and all <br />improvements that were installed to create an accessory dwelling unit and completely restore the principal <br />residential structure to a single family residence; and <br />2.4. Any successor or assign of the Owner(s) shall update the certification of owner occupancy of the <br />principal residential restructure on the Property. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, undersignec)�wner(s), as�;tor(s)/ ove� tor(s), have executed <br />this instrument this � dayof 20-2 <br />