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ECTION R325 <br />ADULT FAMILY HOMES <br />R325.1 General. This section shall apply to all new ly constructed adult family homes and ail existing single family homes being <br />converted to adult family homes. This section shall not apply, to those adult fammlly hoes licensed by the state of Washington <br />department of social and health services prior to duly 1, 2001. <br />R325.2 Reserved, <br />R325.3 Sleeping room classification. Each sleeping room in an adult family home shall be classified as: <br />1 Type S - Where the means of egress contains stairs, elevators or platform lif ts. <br />2. Type NS1-1Mhere one means of egress is at grade level or a ramp constructed in accordance w ith R325,9 is provided; <br />3. Type NS2 - Where tw o means of egress are at grade level or ramps constructed In accordance w ith R325.9 are provided. <br />R325.4 Types of locking devices and door activation. All bedroom and bathroom doors shall be openable from the outside w hen <br />locked. <br />Every closet shall Ice readily openable from the insiide. <br />Operable parts of door handles, pulls, latches, locks and other devices installed in adult family homes shall be operable w ith one <br />hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching or tw isting of the w rist. Pocket doors shall have graspable hardw are available <br />w hen in the closed or open position. <br />The force required to activate operable parts shall be 5.0 pounds (22.2 N) maximum. Required exit doors shall have no additional <br />locking devices. <br />Required exit door hardw are shall unlock inside and outside mechanisms w hen exiting the building allow ing reentry into the adult <br />family home w ithout the use of a key, tool or special know ledge. <br />R325,5 Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm requirements. Ali adult family homes shall be equipped vw ith smoke and carbon <br />monoxide alarms installed as required in Sections R314 and R315.1. Alarms shall be installed in such a manner so that the <br />detection device w arning is audible from all areas of the dw elling upon activation of a single alarm. <br />R325.6 Escape windows and doors. Every sleeping room shell be provided w ith emergency escape and rescue w ihdow s as <br />required by Section R310. No alternatives to the sill height such as steps, raised platforms or other devices placed by the openings <br />w lli be approved as meeting this requirement. <br />R325.7 Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection. Adult family homes shall be served by fire apparatus <br />access roads and w ater supplies meeting the requirements of the local jurisdiction. <br />R325,6 Grab bar general requirements. where facilities are designated for use by adult family home clients, grab bars for w ater <br />closets, bathtubs and shove er stalls shall be installed according to this section. <br />R325.8.1 Grab bar cross section. Grab bars w ith a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of 1 1/4 inches minimum <br />and 2 inches maximum. Grab bars w ith noncircular cross section shall have a cross section dimension of 2 inches maximum and a <br />perimeter 6mension of 4 inches minimum and 4 5/3 inches maximum. <br />R325.3,2 Grab bar installation. Grab bars shall have a spacing of 1 1/2 inches betty een the w all and the bar. Projecting objects, <br />control valves and bathtub or shove er stall enclosure features above, below and at the ends of the grab bar shall have a clear space <br />of 1 1/2 inches to the grab bar, <br />EXCEPTION: Swing -up grab bars shall not be required to meet the 1 1/2 inch spacing requirement. <br />Grabs bars shell have a structural strength of 250 pounds applied at any point on the grab bar, fastener, mounting device or <br />supporting structural member. Grab bars shall not be supported directly by any residential grade fiberglass bathing or shove Bring <br />unit, Acrylic bars found in bathing units shall be removed, <br />Fixed position grab bars, w hen mounted, shall not rotate, spin or move and have a graspable surface finish. <br />R325.3.3 Grab bars at water closets. water closets shall have grab bars mounted on both sides. Grab bars can be a combinatibn <br />of fixed position and sw ing-up bars, Grab bars shall meet the requirements of 1R325.3. Grab bars shall mount betw een 33 inches <br />and 36 inches above floor grade. Centerline distance betty een grab bars, regardless of type used, shall be betty een 25 inches Effective: 2013 July 01 <br />Updated: 2017 February <br />minimum and 30 inches maximum. <br />R325.8.3,1 Fixed position grab bars. Fixed position grab bars shall be a minimum of 36 inches in length and start 1.2 inches from <br />the rear vw all. <br />R325.8,3.2 Swing -up grab bars. Sw ing-up grab bars shall be a minimum of 28 inches in length from the rear w all, <br />R325,6,4 Grab bars at bathtubs. Horizontal and vertical grab bars shall meet the requirements of R325.3. <br />R325,6.4.1 Vertical grab bars. Vertical grab bars shall be e minimum of 18 inches long and installed at the control end w all and <br />head end w all. Grab bars shall mount w ithin 4 inches of the exterior of the bath tub edge or w ithin 4 inches w !thin the bath tub. The <br />bottom end of the bar shall start betty een 36 inches and 42 inches above floor grade. <br />EXCEPTION: The rewired vertical grab bar can be substituted with a floor to ceiling grab bar meeting the <br />requirements of R325.8 at the control end and head end entry points. <br />R325.8.4.2 Horizontal grab bars, horizontal grab bars shall be provided at the control end, head end, and the back w all w lthin the <br />bathtub area. Grab bars shall be mounted betw een 33 inches and 36 inches above floor grade. Control end and head end grab bars <br />shall be 24 inches minimum in length, Sack w all grab bar shall be 36 inches minimum in length, <br />R325.6.5 Grab bars at shower stalls. where show er stalls are provided to meet the requirements for bathing facilities, grab bars <br />shall meet the requirements of R325.3, <br />EXCEPTION: Shower stalls with permanent built-in seats are not required to have vertical or horizontal grab <br />bars at the seat end wall. A vertical floor to ceiling grab bar shall be installed within 4 inches of <br />the exterior of the shower aligned with the nose of the built-in seat. <br />325,6.5,1 Vertical grab bars. Vertical grab bars shall be 13 inches minimums in length and installed at the control end w all and <br />head end w all. Vertical bars shall be mounted w ithin 4 inches of the exterior of the show er stall or w !thin 4 inches inside the show er <br />stall. The bottom end of vertical bars mount betty een 36 inches and 42 inches above floor grade. <br />R325.8.5.2 horizontal grab bars. horizontal grab bars shall be installed on all sides of the show er stall mounted betty een 33 <br />inches and 36 inches above the floor grade. Horizontal grab bars shall be a maximum of 6 inches from adjacent w alls, Horizontal <br />grab bars shall not interfere w ith show er control valves. <br />R3 5.9 Ramps. All interior and exterior ramps, w hen prodded, shall be constructed in accordance w ith Section R311.8 w ith a <br />maximum slope of 1 vertical to 12 horizontal; The exception to R311,&1 is not allow ed for adult family homes. Handrails shall be <br />installed in accordance w ith R325.9,1, <br />R325.9.1 Handrails for ramps. Handrails shall be installed on both sides of ramps betty een the slope of 1 vertical to 12 horizontal <br />and 1 vertical and 20 horizontal in accordance w ith R311,303.1 through R311.8,3.3, <br />1R325,10 Stair treads and risers. Stair treads and risen shall be constructed In accordance w ith R311.7,5. Handrails shall be <br />installed in accordance w ith R.325.10.1, <br />R325.10.1 Handrails for treads and risers. Handrails shall be installed can both sides of treads and risers numbering from one riser <br />to multiple risers, Handrails shall be installed in accordance w ith R311.7.8.1 through R311,7,3.4 <br />R325.11 Shower stalls, where provided to meet the requirements for bathing facilities, the minimum size of show er stalls for an <br />adult family home shall be 30 inches deep by 43 inches long. <br />[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.031 and chapters 19.27 and 34;05 RCW . 13-04-068, § 51-51-0325, filed 2J1/13, effective 7J1/13, Statutory <br />Authority: Chapter 19.27 RCWW, 10-13-036, § 51-51-0325, filed 8/25/10, effective 9/25/10. Statutory Authority: RCWW 19.27.190, 19.27.020, and <br />chapters 19;27 and 34.05 ROW. 09-04-023, § 51-51-0325, filed 1/27/09, effective 7/1/10. Statutory Authority: RCWW 19.27.074, 19.27.020, and <br />chapters 19,27 and 34.05 ROW. 07-01-090, § 1-51-0325, filed 12119/06, effective 7/1/07, Statutory Authority: RCWIi 19.27.031 and 19.27.074. 04- <br />01-109, § 51-51-0325, filed 12117103, effective 7/1/04, <br />32 01 General® This section shall apply to all new ly constructed adult family homes and all existing single family homes being <br />converted to adult fancily homes. This section shall not apply to those adult family homes licensed by the state of Washington <br />department of social and health services prior to July 1, 2001. <br />325m2 Reserved, <br />325a3 Sleeping room classification. Each sleeping room in an adult family home shall be classic led as: <br />1. Type S - Where the means of egress contains stairs, elevators or platform lif ts. <br />2. Type NS1 - Where one means of egress is at grade level or a ramp constructed in accordance w ith IIR325A9 is provided, <br />3, Type NS2 - Where tw o means of egress are at grade level or ramps constructed in accordance w ith R325.9 are provided. <br />R325.4 Types of locking devices and door activation. All bedroom and bathroom doors shall be openable f rom the outside w hen <br />locked. <br />Every closet shall be readily openable f rom the inside. <br />Operable parts of door handles, pulls, latches, locks and other devices installed in adult family horses shall be operable w iith one <br />hand and shad not require tight grasping, pinching or tw isting of the w rlst. Pocket doors shall have graspable hardw are aval fable <br />w hen in the closed or open position. <br />The force required to activate operable paints shall be 5.0 pounds (22.2 N) maximum. Required exit doors shall have no additlonal <br />locking devices. <br />Required exit door hardware shall unlock inside and outside mechanisms w hen exiting the building allow ing reentry into the adult <br />family home w ithout the use of a key, tool or special know ledge. <br />325.5 Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm requirements. All adult family homes shall be equipped w ith smoke and carbon <br />monoxide alarms installed as required in Sections R314 and R315.1, Alarms shall be installed in such a manner so that the <br />detection device w arning is audible f rom all areas of the dw elling upon activation of a single alarm. <br />R325.6 Escape windows and doors. Every sleeping room shall be provided w ith emergency escape and rescue w lndow s as <br />required by Section R310. No alternatives to the sill height such as steps, raised platforms or other devices placed by the openings <br />w ill be approved as meeting this requirement. <br />32 .7 Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for afire protect ion. ,Adult family homes shall be served by f ire apparatus <br />access roads and w ater supplies meeting the requirements of the local jurisdiction. <br />R325.8 Grab bar general requirements. Where facilities are designated for use by adult family home clients, grab bars for w ater <br />closets, bathtubs and shoe er stalls shall be installed according to this section, <br />325m n1 Grab bar cross section. Grab bars w ith a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of 1 1/4 inches minimum <br />and 2 inches maximum. Grab bars w ith noncircular cross section shall have a cross section dimension of 2 inches maximum and a <br />perimeter dimension of 4 inches minimum and 4 5/3 inches maximum. <br />R325.8.2 Grab bar installation. Grab bars shall have a spacing of 1 112 inches betw een the w all and the bar. Projecting objects, <br />control valves and bathtub or show er stall enclosure features above, below and at the ends of the grab bar shall have a clear space <br />of 1 1/2inches to the grab bar. <br />EXCEPTION. Swing -up grab bars shall not be required to meet the 1 112 inch spacing requirement. <br />Grabs bars shall have a structural strength of 250 pounds applied at any point on the grab bar, fastener, mounting device or <br />supporting structural member. Grab bars shall not be supported directly by any residential grade f iberglass bathing or show er ing <br />unit. Acrylic bars found in bathing units shall be removed. <br />Fixed position grab bars, w lien mounted, shall not rotate, spin or moose and have a graspable surface f inlsh. <br />9 <br />1 "-0"° <br />43„ MIN <br />�IHE=111111111&1_ <br />n <br />li- <br />p� <br />SHOWER ILE i <br />:-:NTS PER R325.8 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE <br />c; <br />N <br />11 <br />SOAP, TWL.OISP. <br />60" X 56" CLR, <br />AT WATER CLST. <br />ALL DISPENSERS NOT <br />LESS THAN 40" AFF <br />P LAM OR TILE <br />48" A„F.F. ALL SUBSTRATE <br />TO BE WATER RESISTANT <br />� <br />LE <br />36" IWIi I N <br />M) <br />_ <br />E <br />12" MIN , � <br />- <br />-- <br />---- <br />bL 24' M l <br />1 °-6 <br />< <br />-U_ <br />a- co <br />-- -- ® � = <br />- <br />o� �co <br />� <br />N <br />LL <br />SHEET VINYL or TILE <br />w/ MIN 6" SELF COVE TYP. <br />P LAM OR TILE <br />48" A,F.F. ALL SUBSTRATE <br />TO BE WATER RESISTANT <br />39" TO 41 <br />qp <br />44-6" MIN <br />�I L y <br />0 <br />CHILD DISP. <br />12"' IWIA co <br />CY) LOCATIONco <br />co <br />® 7 ac T® 9 r^ <br />o� <br />SHEET VINYL or TiLE <br />wJ MIN 6" SELF COVE TYP. <br />1 Jal NMI <br />ri <br />NMI <br />a' <br />iWM <br />78 ER 17" <br />�X. TO <br />DGE. <br />co <br />n <br />0 <br />Q co <br />Cn <br />CIO <br />tJ LL <br />ik- <br />Z <br />PROJECT INFO <br />PROTECT #:LEDER ADDITION <br />DRAWA/N BY: ARETE° <br />RELEASE DATE <br />MARK DATE DESCMPMN <br />X XX.XX.XX XXXXXXXX <br />SET NOTES <br />PRINT DATE 3/3/2021 <br />PRINT TIME 12.51 PM <br />f <br />i <br />SHEET NUMBER <br />