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January 5, 2022 <br /> MAYOR <br /> Mayor Franklin welcomed the new council members. She spoke about the <br /> increase in COVID-19 cases and the rapid spread of Omicron. She urged the public <br /> and staff to continue to mask up when around other people and take the <br /> necessary precautions to keep everyone safe. <br /> Mayor Franklin stated that the City is aware of the traffic challenges that are <br /> related to the COVID testing site located downtown. The sites are important, and <br /> the demand for tests have increased. The City is working directly with the site <br /> manager to find a more suitable location that will cause fewer traffic impacts and <br /> safety concerns. <br /> Mayor Franklin invited Ryan Sass, Public Works Director, to provide a summary of <br /> the work the City teams delivered during the recent snow events. <br /> Ryan Sass stated from Sunday, December 26th through Sunday, January rd, the <br /> Everett Street Division crews plowed approximately 7,910 miles and placed 2,030 <br /> cubic yards of sand and deicer during 24/7 continuous operations. Public Works <br /> crews are first responders for snow and ice. The group is divided into a 12-hour <br /> night crew and a 12-hour day crew. Water and Sewer crews also assist to <br /> supplement for staff shortages during shifts, respond to service requests, operate <br /> and fill loaders, and clear areas as needed. <br /> COUNCIL <br /> Council Member Tuohy welcomed the four new council members and thanked <br /> Ryan Sass and the team for their hard work during the snow events. <br /> Council Member Fosse thanked her neighbors and the community for the <br /> opportunity to work on some of Everett's challenges, and stated that the themes <br /> and issues were clear as she spoke with her neighbors over the last several <br /> months. She loves Everett and looks forward to working with everyone. <br /> Council Member Zarlingo thanked Council President Stonecipher and Mayor <br /> Franklin for their work on putting together the committee and liaison <br /> 2 <br />