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13ACKWATER VALVE AUTEIORIZA'TIOY <br />P�rniission to Inspect. Thc Ow�er granls pcnnission to the City and its contiactor to <br />inspect tl�c pluiubuio ar.d drauiage of ttie O�met's propeRy for the purpose of gathering <br />info�niation regatding whether a backwater valve should be installcd. Il�c City and <br />O�vner will cooperate to detcnnine a mutually agreeahle timc for the ui_pection. Thc <br />iuspection is at the City's sole cost. <br />2. i3ackwater Valve. <br />A. Citv Revicw of lnsnection and Pennission to Install Backwater Valve. The City <br />�vill tevicw the results of the inspectiou and will detemune whcdicr a backwatcr <br />valve should be installed. By signing this authorization, the Owne: grants the <br />City and its contractor pernussion to install the backwater valvc if the City <br />detemunes that a b�ckwater valve sliould be installed. '1'his installation is at the <br />City's sole cost. <br />]3. Other llevices. There may be other dcvices that provide as good as (or greater) <br />protectinn th<in a backwatcr valvc. By signing tius authori�vtion, the Owner <br />grants il�e City and its contractor pennission ro instali the odier devicc if thc City <br />detcrnunes tlmt it shouid be installed. This installation is at tl�c City's sole cost. <br />However, if the Owncr dcsacs installation of thc od�er dcvice, Uut the City has <br />dctcrnvned to only install a backwater valvc, thcn the Ovmer may install the oiher <br />dcvicc, and the City will reimbursc thc O�+mcr up to thc installation cost of die <br />backwater valvc. <br />C. Puture Maintenancc. Upon insiallation, d�c backwater ��alve or other device is thc <br />Owner's prnperty. The Owner is exclusively responsible to maintaiii it. <br />Other Recommended Imarovemenls. Afier the coropletion of thc inspection, the City <br />may provide the Owner witl� a list of otl�cr reconnneuded 'uuprovemcnts to the property's <br />plumbing and dr�inage systems. The Owner is respousiUle fur deterniining whether to <br />implement the recommendations on the list and for paying for thc implcmentaticn. <br />O�VN�F'iR: 'f / ' <br />�;: <br />t� ' �r <br />;!/<� a'%✓,/c:'�<� <br />Signaturc: <br />, `' �'. �/�%��'/��/✓ ------- <br />rmted Namc: Yrintcd Name: <br />���n�l <'.�� :r > _ <br />Piuited Address: <br />