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B. The Property has(or will soon have)a backwater valve in the <br /> scwer line serving the Property(the"Backxwter Valnd'). <br /> C. The Owner and the City desiro to enter into this Agccement to <br /> clarify their respective roles reg,atding the Backwatcr Valve. <br /> AGREEII�NT <br /> For good end valuable conside�ation,the tecxipt and suffiaiency of which arc <br /> hereby aclmowledged,the City and Owner agree as follows: <br /> A. Maintennnce of Backwater VaWe. <br /> The Owner is exclusively responsible for'h�maintenence of ihe Aackwata <br /> Valve. Future owne�s of ihe Propaty esswt►e the responsibility for meintaiuin8 U►e <br /> Backwater Valve whrn diey take ownership of the Properry. The Owner,on behalf <br /> of itself and on behalf of all futwe owners of the Pcopecty,releases the Ciry trom all <br /> cleims and liabilities arising from or relating to any failure to maintain the <br /> Backwater Valve by the Owner or by any fucure ovmer of the Properiy. Upon the <br /> Ownet's request,the City will provide the Owner with educational brochutes and <br /> other materials regarding Backwater Valve maintenance. <br /> B. Citv Ri�t to Insuect. <br /> The Owner hereby grants perenission for the City to enter upon the <br /> propecty from time to time to inspect the Backwater Valvc and the PropeRy's <br /> other plumbing:u�d drainage systems. This permission remains in effect for as <br /> long as the Backwater Valve remains installed. The Ciry may,but has no <br /> obligation to,perform maineenance on the Backwater Valve during these <br /> inspections. <br /> C. Ot6er, <br /> The Owner consents to recoiding of this Agreement T6is Agneement runs <br /> with the land and binds all of the Owner's successocs-in-interest 71ris A�eement <br /> and the Inspecrion and Backwater Valve Agraement signed by the Owna and the <br /> City contain the entire agreement between the City and the Owner relatinB to the <br /> Backwater Valve. No amendment or termination of this Ag�eement is efl'xtive <br /> unless it is in wridng and sigcced by the Owner and by the Mayor of the City. <br /> 2 <br />