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BACKWATER PREVENTION DEVICE PROGRAM <br />Our records indicate that a backwater prevention device must be installed on your <br />sewer connection to comply with the new ordinance. Please help us verify that our <br />information is correct by answering the following questions about your property: <br />Do you have a basement? Yes X No ❑ <br />If yes, does it have plumbing fixtures (sink, toilet, floor drain, etc.)? Yes ❑ No o <br />Do you have a backwater valve on yoursewer line? Yes ❑ No ❑ Don't Know V� <br />Do you have a grinder pump in your basement? Yes ❑ No"L;QDon't Know ❑ <br />Name. iJ YLr'V1_ la AJ <br />) . CD -ILA - <br />Property address:.. % (� �•1� <br />Phone 1: i4 a 'J L3 ! 'o�'� Phone 2: <br />Email, _ _.— <br />FLU,,N lliu lei -.A <br />; (. as fitL .f.� <br />