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g. The Property has (or will soon have) a backwater valve in tlie <br />sewer line serving the PropeRy (the "Backwater Va/ve"). <br />C, The Owner and the City desire to cnter into this Agreement to <br />clarify their respective roles regarding the Backwater Valve. <br />AGRF.EMENT <br />Por good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sui'ficiency of which are <br />hcreby acknowledged, the City and Owner agree as follo�vs: <br />A. Maintenance of Backwater Valvc. <br />The Owner is exclusively responsible for the maintenance of ilie Backwater <br />Valve. Future owners oPthe Propedy assume the responsibility for maintaining the <br />Back�vater Valvc when they lake ownership of the Property. The Owner, on behalf <br />of ilself and on behalf of all fuwrc owners of the Property, releases the City from all <br />claims and liabilities arising from or relating to any failure to maintain the <br />Backwater Valve by the Owner or by any future owner of the Property. Upon the <br />Owner's request, the City will provide thc Owner with educational brochures and <br />other materials iegarding Backwater Valve maintenance. <br />B. Citv Rieht to Insacct. <br />The Owner hereby grants perniission 1'or the City to enter upon the <br />Properiy from time to time to inspect the Backwater Valve and the Property's <br />otlier plumbing and drainage systems. This permission remains in effect for as <br />long as Qie Backwater Valve remains installed. The City may, but has no <br />obligation to, perform maintenance on tUe I3ackwater Valve during these <br />inspections. <br />C. Othcr. <br />The O�u�ier consenGs to recording of diis Agreement. This Agreement mns <br />���th the land and binds all of the Owner's successors-in-interest. This Agreement <br />and tl�e Lispection and Backwater Valve Agreement signed by the O�vner w��d the <br />City contain the entirc agreement between the City and thc Owner relatiog to the <br />Back�vater Valve. No amendment or termination of tl�is Agreement is ef%ctivP <br />unless it is in writing a�id signed by tlie Owner and by the Mayor of the City. <br />