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NERMIT APPLICATION <br />BUILDINGlMECHANICAUPLUMBING!SIGNISPRINKLER/DEMOLITION <br />CITY OF EVERETT PERMIT SERVICES <br />3200 Cedar St., Everett, WA 98201 - 425-257-8810 — FAX 425-257-8857 — <br />APPLICATIONS ARE ACCEPTED FROM 8 AM TO 4 PM <br />I hereby certify ihal I have read and ezamined lhia applicetion end know t�e same to be lrue end wrted. All provlalons of lews end ordlnences 9a�eming <br />Ihls lype of work will 6e complied wilh whelher specified herein or nol. The granling of e permil does not presume to B��a authority to vlolete or cancel <br />the provision of any ot�er state or local law regulaling wnslruction or the peAortnance ol constiuction. 7Ta11 em authorizatl by lhe owner of l�la property <br />lo pertorm lhe work for whlch application is made and 1 wmply wilh ihe Stele Conlractors Law 18.27 RCW end 298.200 WAC <br />�'�-� �' ��.�-�-�-� i - .� -i/ <br />O%vnerlAuthorizedAgenl9 nalure Date (Revised7Y10f0) <br />