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STRUCTURAL/GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS <br /> will <br /> A. General G. Timber and Wood Framing <br /> The following notes shall clarify and supplement the working drawings. 1. Substitution of wood species identified herein may be as approved IEE9 <br /> by local Building Official and material strength and capacities shall r -HEADER AS SPECv <br /> B. Codes&Standards equal or exceed that of the species identified herein. SHE ATHINU.SONG HIM <br /> International Residential Code (IRC) 2. All lumber to be graded per book 16 of the West Coast Lumber VAPOR BARRIFR <br /> and/or Inspection Bureau: <br /> ACI-318;ACI SP-15/M.B.M.A Manual HF/DF no.2 for joists,rafters,light framing,plates and bracing WINDOW WRAP TRIM <br /> {' <br /> (and comply with all local applicable codes as required by Building Official) DF no.1 for posts and beams `} NA LwG Fm FOR A'TA(HMENT Z <br /> HF/DF"stud"for stud wall framing --� <br /> C. Live Loads 4. Joists and rafters (lumber)shall have 2"nominal thick solid blocking HEAD[� LASHING-DR P EDGE I' f Z <br /> Roof 30 lbs/sf at supports. M_-- i C%) <br /> Floors 40 lbs/sf 3. Comply with the latest edition of the NFPA"National Design _I VINYL WINDOW UNIT <br /> Stairs&Exist 100 lbs/sf Specification"as modified by the applicable code for all structural timber O COrequirements. <br /> 5. Spike laminated members together w/10d nails @ 12"o.c.,staggered. • ..- <br /> Earth Pressure 30Ibs/cf equiv.Fluid pressure Splice laminations at supports only. ,-- VAPOR BARRIER <br /> 6.Provide cut washers for all bolts bearing on wood. V'---wwDOW WRAP TRIM <br /> D. Soil&Foundation Data 7. All nails shall be common wire nails. - Pi SHF AT MING,SIDING <br /> 0 <br /> 1. Soil bearing data not available.Assumed soil bearing capacity=1500 lbs/sf 8. Glue-laminated timbers,Douglas Fir,A.I.T.C.grading:combination K U. <br /> 24F-V3 for simple spans:24F-V8 for cantilevered spans.Dry conditions JAMB f N.AL WC,FIN FOR ATTACHMENT Z <br /> 2. Extend all footings down to undisturbed soil of the specified strength with of use.Architectural appearance grade where exposed to view. - ' <br /> ING Si UU Q <br /> a minimum depth of 1'-6"below adjacent grade,or as required by local Fabrication plant A.I.T.C.inspected./Wrap individual members. `� _ INGNuA 5 R s*u U 0 <br /> VD <br /> building official,based on local frost line depth. 9. Plywood:Roof sheathing to be 15/321"'C-D int-apa plywood with i = <br /> 3. Center all footings on columns and walls unless specifically dimensioned exterior glue,P.I.24/0(use 5-ply for panelized roofs)Nailing 8d @ 6"o.c .. O m <br /> otherwise. at panel edges and 8d @ 12" intermediate supports.Sub flooring to T 1 SHIM FOR-EVEL AND SUPPORT <br /> 4. Compacted fill to be well graded and granular with not more than 5% be 3/4"C-D-apa plywood with exterior glue,P.I.32/16.Use T&G if no 0 <br /> passing a 200 sieve.Place in 8-inch loose lifts and compact to 95%modified underlayment.Glue and nail with 10d @ 6" panel edges and @ 10" 1 •- 2%4 SILL a o0 3 <br /> AASHO density at optimum moisture. at intermediate supports. 4.111.7 - <br /> 10. Pre-fabricated trussed members to be designed by applicable state MRS_ NAILING 9N FOR AT IACHMENT <br /> licensed engineer in accordance with requirements shown in the SILL <br /> ` WINDOW WRAP TRIM <br /> E. Cast-In-Place Concrete and Reinforcing Steel <br /> drawings.Contractor shall verify as-framed dimensions and conditions VAPOF:BARRt I,1. Concrete of the following 28-day strength:5 sack cement/cy(min.2500 prior to truss fabrication and coordinate as required.All engineering t. ' -SHEATHING SIDMC, <br /> psi);max.6 gal water/sack for all structural concrete,including foundations data shall be made available for submittal to the Building Official as _ i - CRFPLE STUDS <br /> and slabs on grade.Maximum sized aggregate 3/4".Maximum slump 4". required. <br /> Add Master Builders Pozzolith per manufacturer's recommendations to all <br /> concrete except footings.Concrete for exterior walks to be air entrained(5% H. Structural Steel <br /> air). <br /> 1. All steel,except tubing:ASTM A-36. Pipe:ASTM A-53,Type E or S, <br /> 2. Reinforcing steel ASTM A-615 grade 40/60.Use grade 40 for grade B.Tubular section:ASTM A500,grade B.All bolts:ASTM A-307/ WINDOW DETAILS el <br /> temperature steel,stirrups and dowels.Detail,fabricate and place in <br /> 2. All fabrication,erection and detailing shall be in accordance with the TO to <br /> accordance with the latest edition of A.C.I."Manual Of Standard Practice". NOT SCALE latest edition of the"Manual Of Steel Construction"of the American ( ) <br /> 3. Concrete cover on reinforcing steel(clear dimensions): <br /> Suspended slabs 3/4" Institute Of Steel Construction. N., <br /> Beams&columns(to ties) 11/2" 3. All welding by WABO certified welders in accordance with the I ) <br /> Non-exposed vertical faces 1" "Welding Handbook"by the American Welding Society. <br /> Vertical faces exposed to earth or weather..2" 4. All welds 3/16"min.continuous fillet welds using ASWA5,E70XX <br /> Bottom of footings 3 electrodes. <br /> Slabs-on-grade(from top) 1 1/2" 5. Provide washers on all bolted connections. r i.---- _ - HEADER AS SPL V <br /> 4. Lap all field splices 24 diameters with minimum of 12".Bend outer wall 6. All steel not embedded in concrete or masonry shall receive one shop I �--SHEATHING sl:rnu O <br /> footing bars 12 inches or use corner bars at all corners and wall intersections. coat of an approved primer paint.Apply two coats of heavy asphaltic f VAPOR FARRIER Z <br /> paint to all steel exposed to earth. f I LASHING DRWPEDGE Z <br /> 5. Provide continuous#4 bar at top and bottom of foundation /~ Z <br /> 7. Furnish complete shop drawings prior to fabrication. <br /> walls w/#4 at 12"o.c.where wall height exceed two feet.Provide min.two -WRAP TRIM G <br /> continuous#4 bars in footings.Dowel foundation walls to footings w/#4 x HEAD t� I SHIM _ <br /> I. Miscellaneous <br /> 1'-6"long @ 16"o.c.Embedded 6"into footing.(No shear keys required) CASING 2- <br /> 6. Reinforce around wall and slab openings,with sides of 12"or greater, 1. Contractor shall verify all site conditions and dimensions in field. m <br /> with two#5 bars extending 24"beyond corners on all four sides.Provide 2. Provide temporary bracing as required until all permanent U w <br /> one extra#5 diagonal bar,4'-0"long,at each corner. connections and stiffening have been installed. <br /> 3. Verify size and locations of all openings in floor,roof andwalls an d -�� --SHEATHING SIDING <br /> 7. Slabs-on-grade:Roll sub grade and moisten before pour.Saw cut crack0 0 <br /> control joints within 24 hours of pour or install Zip-Strip,with maximum of coordinate with electrical and mechanical work. VAPOR BARRIER <br /> 12'-0"for 4"non-reinforced slabs and 40'-0"for reinforced slabs.(min. 4. Pre-fabricated items shall be handled and installed in accordance WRAP TRIM <br /> with manufacturers'recommendations.Pre-fabricated <br /> reinforcing:w6 x 6-w1.4 x 1.4,supported) JAMB > T CASING.NAIL TO FRAMING <br /> 8. Vibrate all concrete.Segregation of materials to be prevented.Test assemblies shall be coordinated with any as-built conditions by the m <br /> cylinders not required. contractor regarding dimensions,clearance and applicable building code 1-- CAULK HO <br /> 9. Place no fill against foundation or basement walls until floors are in requirements. - _ _ DOOR PANEL W z <br /> place or walls have been adequately shored to resist lateral earth pressures. 5. All HVAV equipment shall be determined by owner and/or _., MORTISED HINGES <br /> contractor specific to this project and comply with all applicable codes. -- ,H,• - CG <br /> F. Masonry(as applicable) Performance data and distribution layout shall be provided by m 1. Hollow masonry units:F'M=1350(half&half c.m.u.) mechanical subcontractor.Submittals shall be coordinated by the I <br /> THResH+o:D WITH SEAL w y <br /> 'a <br /> Mortar type S:1 pc,i/s lime putty,4 sand contractor as required by the Building Official. THRESHOLD[? 1 ii F rn <br /> Grout:2000 psi pea gravel concrete(7 sack) 6. It is the intent of these drawings and specifications to comply with the CONCRETE FLOOR F. w4 d <br /> 2. Reinforcing steel:ASTM A-615,grade 40. requirements of the applicable Building Code and all other relevant codes w a <br /> 3. Place grout in lifts no greater than 4'-0"height. and ordinances.Any discrepancies,omissions or errors shall be brought I Z Z 2j O nw <br /> 4. Wall reinforcing: to the attention of the designer for clarification or correction before U 0 a G O <br /> 6"walls:#4 vertical @ 48"o.c.w/#9 wire horiz.Joint reinf.@ 8"o.c. beginning the work.It is the responsibility of the general contractor to r1 c,4 <br /> O� <br /> 8"walls:#5 vertical @ 48"o.c.w/3/16"dia.wire horiz.Joint reinf.@ 8" seek clarification or correction if needed. _ 'r' <br /> o.c. I In <br /> Install two bars in corners,wall intersections,wall endings and around = SHEET <br /> openings.Lap all bars 20 inches and joint reinforcing,12 inches.Use corner DOOR DETAILS LP <br /> bars for outer bars in bond beams and at intersecting walls. ,-I <br /> 5. Anchor brick veneer to wood framed wall as detailed with 22 ga.X 7/8"x (NOT TO SCALE) <br /> . 6 <br /> 7"galvanized corrugated wall ties @ 16"o.c.ea.Way with one Simpson n20a <br /> nail. = <br /> e- <br /> OF 7 <br />