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— Thank you for your permit a pplicati on at the property listed in the subject line. Since this <br />is fora proposed generator, I need some additional information before I can approve this <br />permit. if this generator is going to be installed outdoors, could you please send over <br />site plan showing where it will be installed? This is not required if the generator will be <br />EVERETT installed indoors. <br />If outdoors, is there a new slab proposed for the generator or will it be put on an existing hard surface? <br />Lastly, could you provide more information on the fuel source of the generator? If the generator runs on diesel fuel and <br />the fuel tank is part of the generator as one self-contained unit, then this electrical permit will be the only permit <br />needed. If there is a separate fuel tank, or if the generator runs on natural gas or propane, we will have additional <br />permitting requirements. <br />Thank you, <br />Audrey Arbow (she/her( <br />Permit Technician I Permit Services <br />425.257.8810 1 3200 Cedar Street, and Floor, Everett, WA 98201 <br />Phone Hours. M-F 8a.m.-12 jam &1p.m.-3 p.m. <br />eve rettwa. eov/permits I Facebook I Twitter <br />Note: Emails and attachments sentto and from [be City of Everett are public record[ and may be cubEft to daclocure purcuantto [be Public <br />Records AR. <br />