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2023 ORDINANCE Page 2 of 8 <br />decrease a neighborhood’s willingness to host treatment or housing services. It also negatively <br />impacts individuals who access treatment and housing services. <br />H.Alleviating street-level social issues, nuisance criminal activity, and open air drug activity around <br />treatment or housing services and surrounding certain other high impact locations will foster <br />support from community members to host treatment facilities and/or temporary shelter in their <br />neighborhood. <br />I.Adopting an ordinance allowing the Mayor to designate a two-block Service Facility Buffer Zones <br />around treatment or housing services will mitigate the inequitable concentration of impacts and <br />support the City’s ability to keep the community safe and promote public health in the zones <br />surrounding treatment and housing services. <br />J.Adopting an ordinance allowing the Mayor to designate a two block Service Facility Buffer Zones <br />around other locations based on information showing a pattern of criminal activity and public <br />complaints showing a high concentration of streel-level social issues in those locations will help <br />keep the community safe and promote public health in those locations. <br />K.The City is actively working on expanding capacity to accommodate individuals experiencing <br />homelessness. <br />L.Service providers and law enforcement have found that those seeking to access treatment or <br />housing services are often hindered in their ability to do so by criminal activity in the areas <br />surrounding service providers and by unsafe access paths to services. <br />M.Pursuant to Martin v. City of Boise, 902 F.3d 1031 (9th Cir. 2018), and <br />Johnson v. City of Grants Pass, 50 F.4th 787, (9th. Cir. 2022), the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has <br />determined that the United States Constitution prohibits the imposition of criminal penalties on <br />homeless individuals who could not otherwise obtain shelter for sitting, sleeping, lying, or taking <br />necessary minimal measures to protect oneself from the elements while outside on all public <br />property within a jurisdiction. <br />N.The City has the power to provide for the punishment of all practices dangerous to public health <br />or safety, and to make necessary for the preservation of public health, peace, and good order, <br />and to provide for the punishment of all persons charged with violating any City ordinance. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF EVERETT DOES ORDAIN: <br />Section 1. Findings adopted <br />The findings set forth in the above recitals are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference. Further, <br />the City Council specifically finds that the regulation of the conduct addressed in this Ordinance is a valid <br />exercise of police power.