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CITY OF EVERETT <br />EVERETT Permit Services <br />WASHINGTON <br />December 14, 2022 <br />BOACA 50RIN/CHIOREAN CRUCITA <br />7826 RAINIER DR <br />EVERETT, WA 98203 <br />RE: New Building Address Assignment In the City of Everett <br />ACTION: Owner to post new address of 7826 RAINIER DR UNIT 0 on site until permanently Installed. <br />Everett Permit Services appreciates you for helping to build and Improve the City of Everett. <br />Permit B2211-127 has been Issued for a new building. In accordance with Everett Municipal Cade chapter 13.44, a new <br />address Is assigned to the building on parcel described as: BEVERLY HOME TRACTS DIV 1 BLK 004 D 03- PINS LOTS 1&2 <br />DAF BEG MOST SELY COB SDLOT STH NWLY ALG NELY LN SD LOT 62 FTTP8 TH COST ALG NELY ON SO LOT 62 FT TH <br />SWLY PET CASCADE DR 1%9 TAP ON A LN BTW LOTS & 3 THAT 15124FT FR SWLYCOR LOT 2 TH SELY 62 FT TH NELY <br />PIT MOST SELY LN LOTS 2&31SOFT TPB TGW SLY 5 FT OF FORE BEG HOLY MR SO LOT ITO SELY ALG NELY LOT LN TAP <br />THAT IS 124 FT NWLY FR SE MR SD LOTS TH SWLYPLT CASCADE DR & R/A TO NELY LOT LN A DIST OF 150 FT TO SWLY <br />IN SO LOT 2IH NWLY ALG SWLY LOT ON SD LOTTO NWLY CUR SO LOT TH NELY ALG CASCADE DRISOFT TPB BLK 4, <br />parcel number 0039360MODIM <br />7026 RAINIER DR UNIT B <br />Everett, WA 982N <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should be pasted facing RAINIER DR: <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURESIZE TABLE per EMC 16.03.030 IF) <br />Dlstancefmm RoadwilreLane Minimum Flaure Size <br />0-50feet e4"Hx 1.5"W,k"stroke width <br />51-100fset 6"HxB"W, Wstmkewidth <br />101-150feet rHx4"w, M"sfrokewidfh <br />151-2011 10"Hx5"W, M"sDokendath <br />201 feet and up 12"Hire W, M"stroke width <br />eMmimum figure shre for the primary address of multi -family or commends! buildings Is six Inches (60). <br />Height -to -width mile offlgures shall be approximately 2H: 1141, contrasting In color with theirbackground (block or <br />white on glazing). If assigned addresses cannot be vleweal a public way, address numbers should also be posted <br />at the road entrance on a pole, or sign, to clearly Identify, which driveway or roadway serves the posted address. <br />Owner to post numbers or letters for tenant suite and apartment doors an both the Inferior and exterior Of the <br />building, with a minimum figure size at least 4 Inches high. Please contact the Everett Fire Department to pnagze <br />addressposfingrequlrements; 425-2574120. <br />Please advise all utility companies, the Everett Post Office and other Interested parties of the new address assignment <br />to obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Everett Permit Services <br /> <br />USPS Postmaster,CbakrAnna4 Address MonoweweaLTystem; SrOhomkh County E9-1-1 Mairemag Caardlnalw, GIs, <br />Snohomish County Asses sOffice Addressing Srperwsw,Gq Parcel Atlases Lead, FarMawnerAVJress Lead; Snohomhls <br />CountyAWltNs Offlw Election Addressing SupeNlso", GO; SNOPAC911, swhomish County PUU' Puget Sound Energy' City <br />of Everett Poesec Fire ManducP Offke, Plannlnp, Utility Billing Manager one Staff, Utility Renard; GS Utility Mapping, Publk <br />"rks M&O, Page WOrks T56, Tmffk Engineer Address Type: OADU <br />Pegs I of I <br />