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3003 W CASINO RD BLDG 40-25 2023-12-15
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BLDG 40-25
3003 W CASINO RD BLDG 40-25 2023-12-15
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!! • <br /> grr WAC 296-46B-900: ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW <br /> DIRECTIONS: Read the WAC section below to determine if plan review is required or not required.Then select the box next to (a)to <br /> tell City Staff if plan review is not requried and select the box next to the specific reason from WAC 296-46B-900. If plan review is <br /> required, select the box next to(b) and (c)to acknowledge that plan review is required and the electrical plans have been provided <br /> with this permit application. <br /> * If item (a)-(ii, iii, or v) is selected,the work must also comply with section(a)-(vii). See arrow flow chart below. <br /> (3) Electrical plan review. <br /> ❑✓ (a) Electrical plan review is not required for: <br /> ❑ (i) Low voltage systems; <br /> -4---❑ (ii) Lighting specific projects that result in an electrical load reduction on each feeder involved in the project; <br /> CI (iii) Heating and cooling specific retrofit projects that result in an electrical load reduction on each existing feeder <br /> involved in the project, provided there is not a corresponding increase in the available fault current in any feeder. <br /> (iv) Stand-alone utility fed services that do not exceed 250 volts,400 amperes where the project's distribution system <br /> ❑ does not include: <br /> (A) Emergency systems other than listed unit equipment per NEC 700.12(F); <br /> (B)An essential electrical system defined in NEC 517.2; or <br /> (C)A required fire pump system. <br /> 4-1 (v) Modifications to existing electrical installations where all of the following conditions are met: <br /> (A) Service or distribution equipment involved is rated not more than 400 amperes and does not exceed <br /> 250 volts or for lighting circuits not exceeding 277 volts to ground; <br /> (B) Does not involve emergency systems other than listed unit equipment per NEC 700.12(F); <br /> (C) Does not involve branch circuits or feeders of an essential electrical system as defined in NEC 517.2; <br /> and <br /> (D) Service or feeder load calculations are increased by 5%or less. <br /> (vi) Electric power production source(s)such as solar photovoltaic,fuel cell, or wind electric system(s)with a total <br /> ❑ rating of 9600 watts or less. <br /> (vii) For installations in (a)(ii), (iii), and (v)of this subsection to be considered, the following must be available <br /> —I'❑ to the electrical inspector before the work is initiated: <br /> (A)A clear and adequate description of the project's scope; <br /> (B)A load calculation(s); . <br /> (C) What the load changes are, providing both before and after panel schedules as needed; and <br /> (D) Provide information showing that the service and feeder(s) supplying the panel(s)where the work is <br /> taking place has adequate capacity for any increased load and has code compliant overcurrent protection <br /> for that supply. <br /> NOTE: Electrical plan review is not required for"Medical, dental, and chiropractic clinic" of which is a clinic or <br /> ❑ physicians'office where patients are not regularly kept as bed patients for twenty-four hours or more, per section <br /> (1)(c)(xii). <br /> (b) Electrical plan review is required for all other new or altered electrical projects in educational, institutional, or health care <br /> occupancies defined in this chapter. <br /> n (c) If a review is required, the electrical plan must be submitted for review and approval before the electrical work is begun. <br /> Table 900-1 Table 900-2 <br /> Health or Personal Care Facilities <br /> Educational and Institutional Facilities,Places of Assembly,or Other Facilities <br /> Health or Personal Care Facility Plan Review <br /> Type Required Educational,Institutional,or Plan Review <br /> osartal Yes Other Facility Types Required <br /> Nursing Some unit or long-term Yes Educational Yes <br /> care unit rns':tut onnal Yes <br /> Boarding home Yes <br /> Assisted living facility Yes <br /> Private alcoholism hospitat Yes Notes to Tables 900-1 and 900-2. <br /> Private psycnatric hospital Yes 1.A city authorized to do electrical inspections <br /> Maternity home Yes may require plan review on facility types not <br /> Ambulatory surgery aciiity Yes reve.ved by the department. <br /> Renal remoddalysis clinic Yes <br /> Residential treatment faculty Yes <br /> Enhanced service facility Yes <br /> Adslt=-sclent,a rehab!aati:_:n YesPERMIT# Page 2-Plan Review <br /> center <br />
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