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CITY OF EVERETT <br />EVERETT Permit Services <br />WASHINGTON <br />September 12,2023 <br />KEYSTONE LAND LUC <br />13805 SMOKEY POINT BLVD STE 10 <br />MARYSVILLE, WA 98271 <br />RE: New Building Address Assignment in the City of Everett <br />ACTION: Owner to post new address of 600 54TH ST SW UNIT E on site until permanently installed. <br />Everett Permit Services appreciates you for helping to build and improve the City of Everett. Permit Number <br />B2309-005 has been Issued for a new building. In accordance with Everett Municipal Code chapter 13.44, a <br />new address is assigned to the building an parcel number 00436800003900. <br />600 54TH STSW UNIT E <br />Everett, WA 98203 <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should be posted facing 54TH STSW: <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURE SIZE TABLE, per EMC 16.03.050 (8) <br />Address numbers and/or letters on thehont of single-family home shall be a minimum offour Inches high. <br />Height -to -width ratio of figures shall be approximately 2H:1W, contrasting in color with their background <br />(black or white on glazing). Ifasslgnedaddresses cannotbe viewedfrom a public way, address numbers <br />should also be posted at the road entrance on Opole, or sign, to clearly identify which driveway or roadway <br />serves the posted address. Owner to post numbers or linersfor tenant suite and apartment doors on both <br />the interior andexterior of the building, with a minimum figure size at least 4 inches high. Pleaserontact <br />the Everett Fire Department to finalize address posting requirements: 425-257-11120. <br />Please advise all utility companies, the Everett Post Office and other interested parties of the new address <br />assignment to obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Everett Permit Services <br />PermkServlces@everet <br />M. USPSPostmortep CoMerAnney Addms Management Sotem;5nohomkh CwnryE l-SAddresVWCoordinator GIS; <br />srrohwnlsh CaumyA essd$Off Addmssing5up Msl ,GIS,ftre)Address Le ,,Porz)OwwrAddmss LeW,; Momish <br />County A~S Office Ekcdons AddressinBSupervlmp GIs, SNOFAC911; Snohomkh County FUU; Fuget5aund Energy; City of <br />Everett Poike, Fire Marshars Office, Planning, I taily Sluing Manager and! Staff, URl4y Records, GIs Milo MopClaG Public <br />War" MSO, Paler works TSG, Traffic engineer Address Type: SFR <br />Page t of t <br />