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Permit#; FA2205-003 <br /> Site Address: 3003 W CASINO RD#4630 <br /> Owner: BOEING COMPANY <br /> Tenant: BOEING-#4630 COLA13 <br /> APP.Date: 5/3/2022 <br /> Proposed Use:COMMERCIAL <br /> BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP Description: REPLACE SPRINKLER MONITORING PANEL <br /> Reviewed 8 15- ;: <br /> �umce Set _Job Site Set _Fire/Planning Set <br /> BUILDING 40-030 / 40-031 WEST -- - <br /> EVERETT FIRE PANEL REPLACEMENT <br /> BOEING EVERETT FACILITY <br /> 3003 WEST CASINO ROAD <br /> EVERETT, WASHINGTON 98203 <br /> VICINITY MAP LOCATION MAP SITE PLAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br /> THE SCOPE OF THIS PROJECT IS TO UPGRADE THE EXISTING BUILDING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. <br /> THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: <br /> 1. REMOVE ADT/TYCO FOCUS PANELS. <br /> 2. REMOVE 19 EXCESS PRESSURE PUMPS AND REPLACE WITH MODERN WATERFLOW DETECTION EQUIPMENT <br /> 3. UTILIZE EXISTING ELEVATOR#1 FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL AS THE BUILDING 40-31 FACP. <br /> PROJECT 4. UTILIZE EXISTING ELEVATOR#4 FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL AS THE BUILDING 40-30/31 FACP. <br /> LOCATION 5, CONNECT ALL MONITORING POINTS TO THE BUILDING FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL. <br /> w <br /> EVERETT v \ 6. PROVIDE FIRE ALARM FIELD DEVICES THROUGHOUT 40-031 AS SHOWN ON PLANS. <br /> wors- <br /> IIII IIID <br /> G MAJORBOEINGFACIUM ES � � r� <br /> -408 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> � 4 -66 Beginning at a concrete monument,said monument being the comer common to Sections 10,11,14 and 15.Township 28 North,Range 4 East,ro <br /> j 40-56 ¢0_85 W.M.;thence North 0'50'00'East along the cost line of Section 10,a distance of 30.00 feet to the north margin of the munty ad and the <br /> IEYUE ■ true Point of Beginning;thence North 88'53'28'West along said margin 1589.02 feet to a point of curvature of a curve to the right,mid point <br /> 40-6 <br /> j of curvature being m the most easterly Tine of that property owned by the U.S.Government(Department of the Air Fame)and granted in <br /> easement to Snohomish County under auditors file No.1062279 for road purposes,the following courses describe the northerly margin of said <br /> TILE Bp C V 40-83 rend easement thence North 1'06'32"East radial to the cum 10.00 feet;thence along a cum to the dght having a radius of 778.51 feel <br /> RENRIN = 40-62 through a central angle of 18'50'03',for an arc distance of 255.91 feet;thence North 19'56'W East radial to the curve 10.00 feet;thence <br /> a-I 4-0-91 along a curve to the right having a rodius of 768.51 feet through a central angle of 27 59'59',for an arc distance of 375.56 feet;thence <br /> = South 47 56'34"Wed radial to the curve 10.00 fxtrve o;thence along a cuthe right having a radius of 778.51 feet through central angle of <br /> KENT QIr e - �� 17 14 58",for on arc distance of 166.44 feet to the point of tangency;thence North 29'48'28"West 140.85 feet to a point of curvature; <br /> a g 40-61 �� thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 858.51 feet through a control angle of 26'53'29",for an arc distance of 402.94 feet; <br /> § �y thence North <br /> 33'IS'03'East radial to the curve 10.00 feet;thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 868.51 feet through a control <br /> ve 14 r4i angle of 1T30'00",for an am distance of 265.27 feet;thence North 15'48'03"East rodial to the curve 10.00 feel;thence along a curve to <br /> BURN �« .� 40-31 40-32 40-33 40-34 the left haying a radius of 678.51 lost through a central angle of 15'36'31",for an arc distance of 239.32 feet to the point of tangency, <br /> ea --::E thence North 89'48'28"West 277.02 feet;thence North B 11'32'East 20.00 feet thence North 89'48'28"West 300.00 feet;thence South <br /> o s o .. I I 40-35 40-36 <br /> 0'11'32'West 20.00 feet;thence North 89'48'28'West 264.11 feet to o point d curvature;thence along a curve o the left <br /> having a radius <br /> MILES d 878.51 feet through a central angle of 5'30'27',for on arc distance of 84.45 feet to a point of intersection with the west line of the <br /> TACOMA - w" ti southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of mid Section 10,mid point on curve being the terminus of the northerly margin of mid roadway <br /> 1�D easement;thence North 0'54'04"East along said west line 386.98 feat to the north Tine of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of <br /> ' 40-53 40-21 40-2 40-23 40-24 40-25 40-26 mid Section 10;thence South 88'40'11'East along said north line 334.86 feet to the east line of the west half of the west half of the <br /> �G� _ y northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of mid Section 10;thence North Or 56'46"East along said east line 792.01 feet to the north line of <br /> ER �C -`r the south ix acres of said west half of the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter,thence North 88'40'11"West along <br /> r� \q mid North line 335.48 feet to the west line of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter,thence North 0 54'04"East along mid west line <br /> 528.68 <br /> feet <br /> o m <br /> the southwest comer of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter;thence North 1'33'D3'East along the west line of the <br /> southeast quarter of the northwest quarter 1323.23 feet to the northwest comer of said southeast quarter of the northwest quarter;theme South <br /> 88 39'22"East along the north line of mid southeast quarter of the northwest quarter 999.54 feet to the west line d the east half of the <br /> _ PROJECT -4 40-51 east half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter,thence North V 11'53'East along said west line 1323.81 feet to the north line of <br /> BUILDINGS don 10;thence South 88'41'25"Ead along mid north line 330.47 feet,more or lase,to the north quarter comer of mid Section 10;thence <br /> �T II ��,F- South BY 41'17'East along mid north fine of Section 10,a distance of 1320.62 feet to the northeast comer of the northwest quarter of the _ <br /> w northeast quarter of said Section 10;thence South 0'5Y 48'West along the east line of said northwest quarter of the northeast quarter <br /> 1324.79 fat to the southeast corer at mid northwest quarter of the northeast quarter,thence South 88'39'19"East 1324.11 fest to the <br /> RIVeRnortheast corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 10;thence South BB'05'18'East 2632.49 feet to the <br /> PROJECT northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 11;thence South 0'24'43"West 1325.82 feet to the center of <br /> g SITE mid Section 11;than.South 0 57'32'West along the east rim of the southwest quarter of said Section 11 a distance of 2615.05 feet to <br /> the north margin of the county road;thence North 8T 41'13"West along said rood margin 2635.63 feet to the true Point of Beginning, <br /> INE FIELD 4 O containing 26,398,936.70 square feet or 606.0361 acres <br /> SI&ER LAKE <br /> c And also the northeast quarter of Section 15 and a porton of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 10,lying south of the <br /> SNOHOMI CO outherly morgin of the hereinbefom mentioned Air Force property granted to Snohomish County for rood purposes,being more particularly <br /> m41 s SITE PLAN described as follows Beginning at a concrete monument,mid monument being the corner common to Sections 10,11,14 and 15,Township 28 <br /> North,Range 4 East W.M;thence South 1'OC 18"West along the east 6.d Section 15,a distance d 30.00 fed la the south margin of the <br /> SCALE: N.T.S. county road and the true point of Beginning;theme North 88'S3'28"Wed along mid road margin 1719.77 fed to an intersection with a <br /> V41 <br /> ��� _ curve,the radius of which is 858.51 feet,and who center beam North 9'51'40"East;thence clang said curve to the right through a central <br /> angle d 50'19'52",for an arc distance of 754.15 feet o a point d tangency;thence North 29'48'28"West 140.85 feet to a point d <br /> curvature;theme along a curve to the left having a radius of 778.51 fed through a central angle of 28 14'53",fa as am distance of <br /> 383.82 feet to a point on the west fine d the southeast quarter of Section 10;thence South 1'04'51'West along midwest line 766.72 feet <br /> o the quarter comer common to Sections 10 and 15;theme South 1'05'52"West 2641.66 fed to the center of Section 15 thence South 88' <br /> „ 45'43"&at 2666.18 fed to the east quarter coma of Section 15,thence North i'06'18'East along the east line d Section 15,a distance <br /> of 2617.66 fest to the true Point of Beginning.Containing 7,272,724.41 square fed or 166.9587 acres. <br /> Above areas computed by"Cory,DE 600"electronic computer. <br /> PROJECT TEAM <br /> VICINITY MAP N LOCATION MAP OWNER BOEING 003 WEFACILITY <br /> ELECTRICAL: 1 LUANWE GO STREET <br /> ET EQUIPMENT CO. <br /> SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. EVERETT, WASHINGTON 98203 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98107 <br /> PROJECT MANAGER: RAY RIMORIN TEL: 206.632.2810 <br /> TEL: 425.330.1807 CONTACT: KEVIN MULLEN <br /> EMAIL: KMULLEN®GOWFIRE.COM <br /> 5YM REVISION BY APPROVED DATE SYM REVISION BY APPROVED DATE ACCEPTABILITY SDRAWN I <br /> K 05 16 07 BUBffTLE CURRENT REVISION SYMBOL DATE <br /> A BFF-ISSUE FOR CONSTRUCTION 565969-18 NBBJ BR 05/18/07 THIS DESIGN AND/OR COVER SHEET C 04.07.22 <br /> SPECIFICATION IS APPROVED ES 05/18/07 SHEET SEOUENCE NO. <br /> RECORD DRAWINGS ISSUED TO OWNER NBBJ 03/30/10 <br /> B®E®H�r m APPROVED BY DEPT. DATE TITLE EVERETT FIRE PANEL REPLACEMENT x'10 <br /> B EVERETT FIRE PANEL REPLACEMENT W2640474 SAZAN/ZO 12/28/21 rare unnne" H v <br /> BUILDING 40-031 JOB N0. -� COMP N0. <br /> C SHOP DRAWINGS Acow/Hc tea/m/22 .����. ...,.,,wa 565969-18 <br /> ARCHITECTURAL MASTER EVERETT, WA. 'N0' 40-031-GO' <br />