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PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT Date Applied: 4/8/2024 <br />City of Everett Permit Services Public Works Permit #: PW2404-032 <br />3200 Cedar Street, 2nd Floor Associated Bldg Permit#: <br />EV E R E T T Everett, WA 98201 Planning Reference #: <br /> Public Works Fee: $65.00 <br />WASHINGTON Perm itSeryices@eyerettwa.goy Schedule Inspections at: <br />OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS: APPLICANT NAME AND ADDRESS: <br />Barbara Gentil ALLIED WTRPRFNG & DRAINAGE INC <br />3425 TULALIP AVE 4231 S 3rd Avenue <br />EVERETT, WA 98201 Everett, WA 98203 <br />PHONE: PHONE: 4252581212 <br />SITE ADDRESS: 3425 TULALIP AVE TAX PARCEL ID #: 00437783001200 <br />THIS PERMIT TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES <br />DESCRIPTION: Connecting downspout to the existing storm drain <br />PERMIT CONDITIONS: <br />1. All inspections shall be scheduled online at Available inspection dates are shown in the dropdown <br />menu. <br />2. All work shall be performed in accordance with the permit and current City of Everett 'Design and Construction Standards and <br />Specifications for Development'. <br />3. Call Location Underground Service 48 hours before you dig. The day you call does not count. TOLL FREE NUMBER 811. <br />4. Site Civil Work to be done per plans approved by the City of Everett Public Works Department. Approved plans must remain on job -site at all <br />times. <br />5. Inspections are required for all stages of construction. Visit the City's Online Permitting Portal at to formally <br />request all required inspections. <br />6. Install and maintain erosion control measures per City of Everett Standards and per the direction of the PW Inspector and the approved <br />SWPPP/TESC Plan. Remove upon completion of the project prior to final approval of the permit. <br />7. Keep City streets clean at all times. No dirt, mud, rocks, or debris to be tracked onto roadway. <br />8. Protect all existing underground utilities during construction. <br />9. Any damage to City improvements (sidewalk, curb, roadway, etc.) shall be replaced per City Standards and/or as directed by the City PW <br />Inspector. <br />10. It is the applicant/owner's responsibility to ensure that stormwater runoff from new/replaced impervious surfaces will be managed on -site <br />in a manner that does not adversely affect neighboring properties, including the City's right-of-way and/or easements and the improvements <br />located therein. <br />11. Prior to any interruption to the public right-of-way (roadways, parking lanes, or sidewalks) a Traffic Street Use permit shall be obtained from <br />the City's Traffic Engineering Division. This permit can be applied for online at and requires a traffic control plan <br />to be submitted for the area of requested closure. Please allow 1-2 weeks for TSU permit issuance from the date of application. <br />12. This permit must be finaled in order to close out this permit. Request a final inspection online by selecting PW 25-Site Final/Permit Close Out <br />within the Online Permitting Portal Inspection Requests for this permit when all items have been completed. <br />PERMIT FEE BREAKDOWN: <br />Misc. Minor Permits $25.00 <br />PW Plan Review $20.00 <br />PW Site Inspection $20.00 <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CONDITIONS <br />By purchasing this permit and commencing work, the owner/applicant hereby agrees to hold and save harmless the City of Everett from any and all claims for <br />damages, costs, expenses, or causes of action that may arise because of installation and maintenance of the improvement or other right-of-way use here to applied <br />for and further agrees to remove same upon notice from the City and to replace public property damaged thereby. <br />VALIDITY/EXPIRATION: <br />Work authorized by this permit must be started within 180 days of date permit is issued and thereafter is to be diligently pursued to completion. This permit may <br />be canceled by the city upon any stoppage of work on this project over 180-day duration. Each inspection extends the expiration date 180 days to keep the permit <br />open while work is active. <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />_APPLICANT/JOB SITE COPY _ADDRESS FILE _TREASURER <br />