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CITY OF EVERETTPermit Services <br />EVERETT <br />WASHINGTON <br />February 27, 2023 <br />EBM RE Vill LLC <br />14231 LANE RD STE 300 <br />LYNNWOOD, WA 98087 <br />RE: New Building Address Assignment in the City of Everett <br />AMON: Owner to post new address of 1510 HOLLOW DALE PL UNIT B on site until permanently Installed <br />Everett Permit Services appreciates you for helping to build and Improve the City of Everett. Permit B2W2.022 <br />has been issued for a new building. In accordance with Everett Municipal Code chapter 13AW, a new address Is <br />assigned to the building on parcel described as: SEC 23 TWP 28 PEE WRTd4DA) BEG EI/4 CDR TH ALG E & W C/L <br />SO SEC 23 N88e19 23W 1320.01 FT TH ALG W LN NEI/4SE3/4420.98FT TH E 157.65FT TO E R/W IN <br />HOLLOWDALE PLACE TPB TH CONT E TO W LN PLAT OF FAM-MOUNT TH S32e55 W W AUG SO W LN TAP IN FT S <br />OF N LN 50 Tit TH W 335 FT TH N 150 FT TH W PLY N IN SO TR TO ELY PLAN LN OF HOLLOW DALE PL TH NELY AUG <br />HOLLOWDALE PL TPB, parcel number 28042300400700 <br />1510 HOLLOW DALE PL UNIT B <br />Everett, WA 98204 <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should be posted facing HOLLOW DALE PL: <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURE SIZE TABLE, per EMC 16.03.030 (F) <br />Distance from Road or Fire Lane Minimum Floure Size <br />0-50feet e4'H R 1.So W, go stroke width <br />51—IOOfeet 6'Hx3'W, Wstrokewdth <br />101-150feet 8'Hx4'W, Nostrokewidth <br />151-200feet IVHx5'W, Mostrokewidth <br />201feetcndup 12'Hxb'W, 1f'stminewidth <br />`Minimum figure size for the primary address of multitlemady or commercial buildings is six inches (6'). <br />Height -to -width ratio offlgures shall be approximately 2H: IW, contrasting in color with their background (black <br />or white on glazing). Ifossigned addresses cannot be vlewedfrom a pub/k way, address numbers should also be <br />pasted at the rood entrance an a pole, or sign, W dearly idento which driveway or roadway serves Me pasted <br />address. Owner m post numbers or letters far lenient suite and apartment own an both the. b d <br />eHetlar of the building, with a minimum pgure size at least 4 Inches high. Please contact the Everett Fire <br />Department to findize address pasting requirements: 425-257-9120. <br />Please advise all utility companies, the Everett Post Office and other Interested parties of the new address <br />assignment to obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Everett Permit Services <br />PermitSeMeesalevaettwa.Sav <br />M USPSPwtmasteg CarderAnn Addms ManagemenrrysLem/NOM1omaM1 CauntyfvII dresLng CaaJMala, 6li/SnoMm6M1 <br />[auntyAisessoh OffkeAdtlressLp tuperv4ar,GO handlAdhess Lead, Porcd LWrerAddrem Lead,, SnohomaM1 CounnAuNtWs <br />Office Eks(WVAMkeuing5upervlwr, GIST SNOPAC911; Sno mch Caunry PUP; Puget Sound Envy, ClN fEwrOt Polka, are <br />Marshal's Pffke, Pk mft UtllllyPAp ManageiandSUSS ULINry Rands, G15LANHMapgn& PUMr Wales M&O, Pualk Works <br />TSG, Traffic Bogner Address Type: SFR <br />Page 1 & t <br />