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CITY OF EVERETT Permit Services <br />EVERETT <br />WASHINGTON <br />February 27, 2023 <br />EBM RE VIII LLC <br />14DI IAKE RD STE 300 <br />LYNNWOOD, WA 980B7 <br />RE: New Building Address Assignment In the City of Everett <br />ACTION: Owner to post new address of 1510 HOLLOW DALE PL UNIT C on site until permanently installed <br />Everett Permit Services appreciates you for helping to build and Improve the City of Everett. Permit BD02-023 has <br />been Issued for a new building. In accordance With Everett Municipal Code chapter 13.", a new address is assigned <br />to the building on parcel described as: SEC 23 MP 28 RGE 04RT-14D41 BEG E1/4 MR TH ALG E & W C/L SO SEC 23 <br />N88*19 23W 1320.01 FT TH ALG W LN NEl/45E3/4420.98FT TH E 157.65FT TO E R/LN LN H0LUZANDALE PLACE TPB <br />TH COW ETO W LN PLAT OF FAWRIOUNT TH 532*55 o0W ALG SO W LN TAP 180 FT5OF N LN SO TR TH W 335 FT <br />TH N 150 FT TH W PVT N LN SO TR TO ELY R/W LN OF HOLLOWDALE PITH NELY ALG HOLLOWDALE PL TPB, "real <br />number 28042300400700 <br />1510 HOLLOW DALE PL UNIT C <br />Everett, WA 98204 <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should be posted facing HOLLOW DALE PL <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURE SIZE TABLE, per EMC 16.03.030 (F) <br />Distance from Rood Or Fire Lone Minimum Fiaure Size <br />0-50feet *4' H x 1.5' W,/f'stroke width <br />51—IWiest 64Hx3"W, IL"strokewidth <br />101-150feet B"Hx4'W M'arokewldth <br />151-200feet 10'Hx5"W, 31"strokewidth <br />201feetandup 12"Hx6"W, sestmkewhath <br />*Minimum figure size forthe primaryaddress ofmulti familyorcommercial bulldings Issix inches (6'). <br />Height -to -width raise of flgures shall be approximotely ZH: 1W, contrasting in color with their background (bock <br />or while on glazing). Ifassigned addresses cannot be wewedfrom a public way, address numbers should also be <br />posted at the rood entrance on a pole, or sign, to dearly Identify which driveway or roadway serves the posted <br />address. Owner to post numbers or letters for tenant suite and apartment doors on both the Interior and <br />exterior of the building, with a minimum figure she at least 4 Inches high. Please Contact the Everett Fire <br />Department to finalize address posting requlrementz 425-25741M <br />Please advise all utility companies, the Everett Post Office and other Interested parties of the new address assignment to <br />obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Everett Permit Services <br /> <br />a, USM Pmlmaster, ConkrAnney Address Management System; armani Canary E9,1-I Addresen9 CaardMalae 66, 5nahonal <br />CountyAssessa's OJpmAddressirg 5upervime Go ParcelAddress Lead, Parcel awnnAdaress Meat SwM1amtra OmmIyAudaWs Glace <br />EleakeruAddreefing Supervisor,GIs; SNOPAC911; Snohomish County AID; PWt5ouM Enegy; Orr of Everett PWke. Fire Marshors <br />afnry Panama, then, African Manager andSto)h Wiftlymmank, 65 MARY Mapping, PUMk Work; M&O, WNk Works TSG, TaJ/k <br />Engineer Address Type: SIR <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />