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a <br />CITY OF FVFRFTTPePYYIIt Services <br />EVERETT <br />WASH NOTON <br />March 22, 2023 <br />EBM RE Vill LLC IIIuIII SEP 052024 <br />300 14231 TARE RD STE <br />LYNNWOOD, WA 98087 CITY OF EVERETT <br />RE: New Building Address Assignment in the City of Everett Permit Services <br />ACTION: Ownerto post new address of 1520 HOLLOW DALE PL UNIT Ban site until permanently Installed. <br />Everett Permit Services appreciates you for helping to build and Improve the City of Everett. Permit B2302-061 <br />has been Issued for a new building. In accordance with Everett Municipal Code chapter 13.44, a new address Is <br />assigned to the building on parcel described as: SEC 23 TWP 28 RISE 04RT-14D4) BEG El/4 COB TH ALE E & W C/L <br />SD SEC 23 N88e19 23W 1320.01 FT TH ALG W U4 NE1/4SE3/4420.98FT TH E 157.65FT TO E R/W LN <br />HOLLOWDALE PLACE TPB TH COW ETO W LN PLAT OF FAIR -MOUNT TH S32e55 00W ALG SD W LN TAP 180 FT 5 <br />OF N LN SO TR TH W 335 FT TH N 150 FT TH W PLT N LN SO TR TO ELY R/W LN OF HOLLOW DALE PL TH NELY ALG <br />HOLLOW DALE PL TPB, parcel number 28042300400700 <br />1520 HOLLOW DALE PL UNIT 8 <br />Everett, WA 98204 <br />Numbers conforming to the fallowing table should be posted facing HOLLOW DALE PIU <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURE SUE TABLE per EMC 16.03.030(1) <br />Distance from Road or Fire Lane Minimum Figure Sfze <br />0-50jeet e40Hx1.5"W,X'strokewklth <br />51-100feet e"Hx3'W, Wstrokewidth <br />101-150feet 8'Hx4'W, Wstrokewidth <br />151-200feet 100Hx5'W, Wstmkewidth <br />203feetandup 12'Hx6'W, Wstrokewidth <br />"Mlnlmum figure shefor the primary address ofmulLFfamily or commercial buildings Is six inches (6"). <br />Height -to -width ratio offlgures shall be approximately 2H: S W, contrasting In color with their background (black <br />or white on glazing). If assigned addresses cannot be viewed from a public way, address numbers should also be <br />Pasted at the road entmsrce on a pole, or sign, to clearly Ident* which driveway or roadway serves the posted <br />address. Owner to post numbers or letters for tenant suite and apartment doors on bath the interior and <br />exteflor of the building, with a minimum figure size at least 4 inches high. Please contact the Everett Fire <br />Department toflnallze address pasting requirements: 425-2574120. <br />Please advise all utility companies, the Everett Past Office and other Interested parties of the new address <br />assignment to obtain Postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Everett Permit Services <br />PermftsenvIaA wrettwaSw <br />K USPSPorwmes COMOMngingweMenopem Panvitera:eALM4M1rvelftreuieo"nah Wsh CbanbAM1 s <br />Cffhe VetkasAOBkhagSuP"Aar,PeMsw,GK,911;Sw oYes*Cmnty PUOwmet Sor {emr;0M10fir CeUpo" Rye <br />O(fke El's Qgh Agressin UONyimnghtmaGM aerand5t5,1ftXrsftwa4 PUPPupet Sowtleneryy Works <br />l MaO, ub4c Rye <br />UP, Tot} 01/ke, Hannllry V(IYIy91NIrg Manager Type. fy UfiNylkmN;GISU(NltyMaPMn& PUWk Works M80, Pualk Woe% <br />15G, zroffk lneti,eee Address Type: SFR <br />Page i of t <br />