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CITY OF EVERETT <br />EVERETT Permit Services <br />WASHINGTON <br />December 27, 2023 <br />KEYSTONE LAND LLC <br />13805 SMOKEY POINT BLVD STE 102 <br />MARYSVILLE, WA 98271 <br />RE: New Building Address Assignment In the City of Everett <br />ACTION: Owner to post new address of 7027 RAINIER DR UNIT Don site until permanently Installed. <br />Everett Permit Semites appreciates you for helping to build and improve the City of Everett Permit Number <br />82310-078 has been Issued for anew building. In accordance with Everett Municipal Code chapter 13.44, a <br />new address Is assigned to the building on parcel number 00392900701300. <br />7027 RAINIER DR UNIT D <br />Everett, WA 98203-5104 <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should be pasted facing RAINIER DR: <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURE SIZE TABLE, per EMC 16.03.050 (B) <br />Address numbers and/or letters on the front of single-jamily home shall be a minimum offour Inches high. <br />Height -to -width ratio offlgures shall be approximately 2H: SW, contrasting In color with their background <br />(black or white on glazing), If assigned addresses connotbe viewedfrom a public way, address numbers <br />should also be postedat the two entrance on a pole, orsign, to c earlyidentlfy whkh ddvewaya roadway <br />serves the posted address. Owner to post numbers or lettersfor tenant suite and apartment doors on both <br />the interior and exterior of the building, with a minimum figure size of least 4 inches high. pleasecantact <br />the EverettFire Department to finalize addressposting requirements: 425-257-8120. <br />Please advise all utility companies, the Everett Post Office and other Interested pare les of the new address <br />assignment to obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Everett Permit Services <br />PermnseMeesivevemowagw <br />CC: USPS Postmasttr,CUMerAnnep Asidress Management System, SwMmishCover E9-1-1 AdEiesslrg CowElrrotop GIs, <br />S M mbb COmoty ess s0)T� Addressing SWeMor,Gly PareelAddr Wd,Pa=iownerAddtess Le d,Soahomish <br />CWnryAYdItWS ORIre Ekallas Addressing Supervisw,GI5; 5NOPAC911;S,ohomhh Coumy PUD, Puget SoundEneryy, Clh' of <br />Everett Polka gre MarshaYSOBke, %anning, Utlllty6lNing ManagerandSMfj, UNlttyllawd; GIs Utility MoPPing. Pobk <br />wom MaQPublkwmksTSGTmfaErglreer Address Type: New SFR attached <br />Page T at <br />