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CITY <br /> LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING <br /> THIS LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING is made and entered into by and between <br /> EVERETT PUBLIC SCHOOLS, hereinafter the "District" and the CITY OF EVERETT, <br /> hereinafter the "City,"pursuant to the authority granted the District and City in the <br /> Interlocal Agreement between the parties regarding cooperative use offacilities, <br /> equipment, and personnel dated Sept. 7, 1999. <br /> Exhibits A thorough N are attached and intended to define the unique and specific +. T <br /> purpose and details regarding program management and responsibilities related to the <br /> individual facility use. <br /> RELATIONSHIPS <br /> Nothing contained in this agreement shall establish an employee - employer relationship <br /> between the City and the District or its students. The City and District shall be solely <br /> responsible for the conduct, supervision, and instruction of their respective employees <br /> and volunteers while on-duty at the facilities during the program hours and locations <br /> identified within the attached exhibits. <br /> DURATION <br /> This Letter of Understanding shall commence on the final date of signature of this Letter <br /> of Understanding and extend two years from the final signature date. <br /> TERMINATION <br /> Either party may terminate this Letter of Understanding with or without cause at any time <br /> by giving at least thirty(30) days written notice to the other party. <br /> ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING <br /> This Letter of Understanding shall constitute the entire agreement of the parties and no <br /> other written, oral or other agreement shall be binding on the parties: provided, however, <br /> S:\#Common\Recreation\EVERETT SCHOOL DISTRICTUetters of understanding\2016-2018 Letter of Understanding and <br /> Exhibits\LetterofUnderstanding 2016-2018.docx <br />