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EXHIBIT E <br /> Use of Everett School District facilities by the City of Everett <br /> for the purpose of: <br /> Tennis Programs <br /> PURPOSE <br /> To facilitate a cooperative working relationship between the District and the City in the <br /> provision of tennis courts. <br /> PROGRAM MANAGEMENT <br /> Representatives from the Everett Parks and Recreation Department and the Everett <br /> School District will work together to schedule the use of District tennis courts other than <br /> those referenced in the Clark Park Tennis Court agreement. <br /> RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> The District shall be responsible for: <br /> A. Maintaining and replacement of tennis nets. Replacement of tennis nets will <br /> occur as needed by mutual agreement of both parties. <br /> B. Cleaning and maintenance of the courts as needed during the school calendar <br /> year for the school programs and teams. <br /> C. Signage which outlines the district use of the courts in relation to hours of use <br /> and restrictions, regulations and rules. <br /> D. Approval of all requests submitted by the Everett Parks and Recreation <br /> department for use of District courts. <br /> E. Provision of keys to the Everett Parks and Recreation department to access <br /> any school gates necessary to access the tennis courts. <br /> F. Costs associated with all utility charges for tennis court use. <br /> The City shall be responsible for: <br /> A. Ordering, placement and any costs associated with use of a port-o-let unit if <br /> needed for parks department programs. <br /> S:\#Common\Recreation\EVERETT SCHOOL DISTRICT\letters of understanding\2016-2018 Letter of <br /> Understanding and Exhibits\Exhibits City use of District facilities\Exhibit E City Use of District Tennis <br /> Courts 2016-2018.doc <br />