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EXHIBIT L <br /> Use of City of Everett facilities by the Everett School District <br /> for the purpose of: <br /> Cross Country Team Use <br /> PURPOSE <br /> To facilitate a cooperative working relationship between the District and the City in the <br /> provision of District sponsored cross country meets. The cross country program, in terms <br /> of this letter of understanding, is defined as facility use of the Lowell Riverfront Trail or <br /> other trails as deemed appropriate for any Everett School District cross country team <br /> program. Use is between the months of September and October inclusive and consists of <br /> no more than three meets immediately after school hours, Monday through Friday <br /> inclusive. <br /> PROGRAM MANAGEMENT <br /> The Everett School District coaches have program responsibility for the cross country <br /> team program. <br /> RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> The District shall be responsible for: <br /> A. Submission of use requests to include dates and times to be approved by the City. <br /> B. Funding of all expenses related to the program which may include but are not <br /> limited to supplies, contract costs, coaches/staff wages and benefits, and <br /> transportation costs for participants. <br /> C. Development, management, implementation and supervision of the cross-country <br /> team. <br /> D. On-site supervision at an age appropriate ratio as required by District policy. The <br /> District shall ensure those providing on-site supervision meet all legal and District <br /> policies in regard to supervision. <br /> E. Provision of all equipment and supplies to operate the meets. <br /> F. Compliance with the requirement that all coach/staff training include a minimum <br /> of one District employee on-site at all times with a current first aid/CPR age <br /> appropriate certification. <br /> S:\#Common\Recreation\EVERETT SCHOOL DISTRICT\letters of understanding\2016-2018 Letter of <br /> Understanding and Exhibits\Exhibits District us of City facilities\Exhibit L District Use of City Facility <br /> Lowell-Riverfront Park Cross country 2016-2018.docx <br />