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EXHIBIT B <br /> Use of Everett School District facilities by the City of Everett <br /> for the purpose of: <br /> Conducting Official City Business <br /> PURPOSE <br /> To facilitate a cooperative working relationship between the District and the City in the <br /> provision of District facilities for official city business use by City employees. <br /> PROGRAM MANAGEMENT <br /> For consistency and continuity one (1) District representative and one (1)Park <br /> representative shall be identified as the liaisons for all requests for District facilities for <br /> purposes other than those covered under separate letters of understanding. <br /> RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> The City shall be responsible for: <br /> A. Providing one (1) City representative to liaison with the District. <br /> B. Submitting the required signed paperwork as identified by the District liaison. <br /> C. All set up, clean up and take down of facilities. <br /> D. Picking up a key/access pass, for use of the requested facility as required by the <br /> District. <br /> E. Returning the facility key/access pass, when applicable,the next business day <br /> after use of the facility. <br /> F. Securing facility after use is complete. <br /> G. Adequate adult supervision at all times during City use of District facilities. <br /> H. Compliance with District use requirements. An application may be revoked at any <br /> time under any of the following circumstances: <br /> a. It is found to contain false or misleading information. <br /> b. An individual or group, willfully or through gross negligence, mistreats <br /> the equipment or facilities or violates any of the regulations established <br /> for use of the facility. <br /> c. A request may be revoked per District Policy and Procedure#4333. <br /> S:\#Common\Recreation\EVERETT SCHOOL DISTRICT\letters of understanding\2016-2018 Letter of <br /> Understanding and Exhibits\Exhibits City use of District facilities\Exhibit B City Use of District Facility <br /> 2016-2018.doc <br />