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f ; _ "_ <br />/! 'F . <br />r��=� � � <br />�: � <br />�`:, �f�� =_ _ <br />�--�-- <br />Apri! 12, 20�.5 <br />PORT OF EVERETf <br />�.205 CRAFTSMAN WAY SUITE 20� <br />EVERETT, WA 9820�. <br />RE; New Building Address Assignment in the City of Everett <br />ACTION: Owner to pos� new address o� 60010TH ST on site until permanently installed. <br />We wish to express our appreciation to you for helping �o build and imprave the City af Everett. <br />Permit {61603-01,0 and 8160�-01�.} have been issrred for two new buiidings (picnic sail sfiructure #1 <br />and #2): Tn accordance with Everett Municipal Code chapter 13.44, a new address is assignad to the <br />buildings on parcel described as: SEC 18 iWP Z9 RGE 05COM AT TH� INT MON LN GRAND AVE WITH MON <br />LN OF 14TH ST TN N89*52 OflW ALG MQN LN 14TH ST PROD 58i.78FI" �'O �IVT WLY Ll� NP R/W 7i-i N01*15 <br />QOW ALG WLY LIV SD R/W 1831.53F�" 7H N89*52 OOW 732,94� TPBTH CON7' N89*52 OOW 1370.44Fi� TO <br />INT GOV NARBQR OR PI�RHEAD LN TH SQ3*49 50W ALG SD PTERHEAD LN 350.72FT TH S89*52 OOE <br />1393,05FT TH N04�08 OOE FaR 35QFT TO TPB, parcel number z9os�8ao2o�aoo , <br />500 IOTN ST <br />�verett, WA 9820�. <br />Numbers carrforming ta �he fiallowing table shouEd be posted facing 10TH ST: <br />ADDRESS NUMBERIIUG FIGURESIZE TABLE, perEMC 16.03, 030 (Fj <br />Disl�ance from Raad or Fire Lane Minimum Figure Size <br />0-- 5� feet' *4"Hx 1,5" W, %"stroke widih <br />51 —.T 00 feef b"H x 3" Ll; �"strake width <br />10� —150 feet 8"H x 4" Vi; %"stroke widl�h <br />151—ZOOfeet i0"Hx5"W, 3/"stioke t�vidth <br />20.� feet and up 12"Hx 6" W, 3/ "stroke width <br />*Minimum figure size for the primary address of multi-family or commercial buildings is six inches (6'�, <br />Height to-vvidth ratio of figures shal/ be appraximate/y ZH.• ZW, contrast-ing in color wifh their background <br />(black or white an glazing). If assigrred addresses cannot� be viewed from a public way, address numbers <br />should also be posfed at the road enfrance on a po% or sign, to c%arly idenfify which dri�eway or roadway <br />serves the post�ed address Owner fo pasf numbers or letters for tenant suite and apartment doors on both <br />i/�e inferior and exierior af the building, t�vith a minimum figure size at /east 4 inches hiqh, Please confacf� <br />fhe Everett Frre Deparlmenf fo frnalize address posfing requirements; 425-Z57 SY20, <br />Piease advise a11 uiility companies, fihe Everet� Post O�ce and oth�r interested par�ies of the new <br />address assignment to obtain pos�ai defivery and ather services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permifi Services Manager, Everet� Public Works <br />cc: USPS Postmaster, Carrier Annex, Address Management System; Snohomish County E9-1-1 Addressrng <br />Coordinator, GIS; Snahamish County Assessors Offr"ce Addressing Superuisor, G.IS, Parcel Address Lead, <br />Parcel �wner Address Lead; Snohomish County Auditors �ff�ce Elections �Addressing Supervisor, G.iS; <br />SNOPAC 9.fX; Snohomish County PUD� Puget Saund Energy� City of Evereti� Police, Fire Marshals O�ce, <br />P/annfi�g, Utility Billing Manager and Staff, Ufilrty Records, G1"S Ufility Mapping, Public Warks M&O, Pub/ic <br />Works TSG, Traffic Engineer Address Type: COMMERCIAL <br />