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� <br />Residenfial Phatovoltaic OTC Permit A►pplication <br />� <br />Contractors can apply for an Over-7he-Counter (OTCJ permlt where the PV sysfem meets the reguirements /isted <br />.. In this Ci�ecklist. All project plans and supporting documentatlon must be provlded on site for the inspector. <br />�_A_a_�_l"�3 �� COiViRL�T�I� �1( A�P�iCAN i --�____ <br />� Prr�ject Infotr�a�tior� <br />������c���ai��� i•� y�.��,i6• �U�j��.d s��aa8ii�i�s fi��• �a���di�:��� E����i��izi�.a���: <br />1, PV system is designed and proposed for a detached one- or two-family dwelling or <br />townhouse not more than three stories above grade or detached accessory structure that <br />is code compliant to setbacks and hefght, or code allows expansion of nonconformity for <br />solar modules. [IRC 101.2] <br />2, Modules on pftched roofs do not exceed the highest polnt of the roof unless approved by <br />the local jurisdiction. <br />3. Rooftop is made from lightweight material such'as a single layer of composition shingles, <br />metal roofing, lightweight masonry, or cedar shingles. <br />4. The Installation shall comply with the manufaciurer's instructlons. [IRC M2302,2] <br />5. The instaHation shall meet the requirements of NFPA 70 National Electric Code, and all <br />required electrical permit(s) must be obtained it'om the Authority HavingJurisdiction to <br />administerthe efectrical code. [IRC M2302.2] <br />6. The installation shall meet the requirements of the International Fire Code as amended <br />by WA S�ate, [IRC M2302,2] <br />7, The PV system is designed for the wind speed of the lacal area, and will be installed per <br />the manufacturer's specifications, [IRC M2302,2.1(1)] . � � <br />8. The ground snow load does not exceed 70 pounds per square foot, [IRC M2302,2,1(2)j <br />9. Total dead load of modufes, supports, mountings, raceways and all other appurtenances <br />weigh no more thanfour pounds per�square foot. [IRC M2302.2,1(3)] <br />Enter total dead load of system (Ibs/ftZ): <br />10. To address uplift, modules are mounted no higher than 18" above the surface of the <br />roofing to which they are affixed. [IRC M2302.2.1(4}] <br />Yes No <br />� � <br />�•� <br />