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July 8, 2013 <br />'�/L/C I�1'/Oi��C� <br />MUSTACH LAND DEVELOPMENT LLC <br />PO BOX 12176 <br />MILL CREEK, WA 98082 <br />RE: New Building Address Assignment in the City of Everett <br />ACTION: Owner to post address until permanently installed. Add address to permanent records. <br />We wish to express our appreciation to you for helping to build and improve the City of Everett. <br />Permit (C1306-008) has been issued approving the construction of the building on the following <br />described parcel: EVERETT DIV H PLAT OF BLK 786 D-00 - LOTS 7& 8 BLK 786, parcel number: <br />00437578600700. In accordance with Everett Municipal Code chapter 13,44, the building has been <br />assigned the following primary address: <br />3311 NASSAU ST <br />El/ERETT, WA 98Z01 <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should be posted facing NASSAU ST: <br />ADORESS IVUMBERING FIGURE SIZE T,4BLE, per EMC 16.03.030 (F) <br />Distance from Road or Fire Lane Minimum Figure Size <br />0- SO feet *4"H x 1.5" W, %z "stroke width <br />SI -100 feet 6"H x 3" W, 3/ "stroke width <br />101 - ISO feet 8"H x 4" W, 3/a "stroke width <br />I51 - Z00 feet 10"H x 5" W, 3/a "stroke width <br />Z01 feet and up IZ"H x 6" W, %"stroke width <br />*Minimum figure size for the primary address of multi-family or commercial buildings is six inches (6'�. <br />Height-to-width ratio of figures shall be approximately 2H.• 1 W, contrasting in co%r with their background <br />(black or white on glazing). If assigned addresses cannot be viewed from a public way, address numbers <br />should also be posted at fhe road entrance on a po% sign, or other means. Where the building is not <br />visible from the street or a single access road/private roadway serves more fhan one building, provision <br />shal/ be made to c%arly identify which driveway or roadway serves the app�op�iate address. Owner to <br />post numbers or letters for tenant suite and apartment doors on both the interior and exterior of the <br />building, or where required by the Fire Department, with a minimum figure size at least 4 inches high. <br />Contact the Fire Depariment to finalize add�essing requirements for building and tenants.• 4Z5-257-BIZO. <br />Please advise all utility companies, the Everett Post Office and other interested parties of the new <br />address assignment to obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permit Services Manager, Everett Public Works <br />cc: Everett Postmaster; Everett Carrier Annex; USPS Address Management System; Snohomish <br />County E911 OfFice; SNOPAC 911; Snohomish County Auditor and Assessor Office; Snohomish <br />County PUD; Everett Police, Fire, Planning, Utility Services, Utility Records, Traffic, Permit <br />Services Manager, Building Inspection, and Address Coordinator <br />Chart No.: NE30295 Address Type: SFR <br />CITY OF EVERETT • 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257-8882 <br />