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� <br />May 21, 2013 <br />PUBL/� L�l/OR/�S <br />Jeff Jones <br /> <br />RE: Owner: Jones, Jeffrey A& Jamiel <br />Job Address: 2819 Wetmore Ave <br />Plan Check No: B1305-022 <br />Dear Mr. Jones: <br />In response to your application for a construction permit, your plans have been examined and you <br />are advised that revisions may be necessary before a permit can be issued. Please review and <br />respond to the comments below. These comments address building issues only. Additionai <br />revisions, or additions, may be required by other departments (such as Utilities, Planning or Fire). <br />All references refer to the 2009 International Building Code (IBC), the 2009 International Fire Code <br />(IFC), the 2009 International Mechanical Code (IMC), and the 2009 Washington State Energy Code <br />(WSEC), as amended by the State of Washington and adopted by the City of Everett. The current <br />IBC referenced standard for accessible design is the 2003 "Accessible and Usable Buildings and <br />Facilities" (ICC/ANSI A117.1). Federal ADA regulations and standards may be more restrictive. <br />In order for the processing of your application to continue, it will be necessary to <br />provide the Building Division with two complete new sets of construction documents <br />reflecting the corrections requested. <br />1. The submitted plans include a large additional mass of brick. Please provide an analysis and <br />resulting detailing stamped by a licensed engineer to show how this addition will be <br />supported vertically and laterally. The design must comply with IBC 1405.6. <br />If you have any questions, please call me at 425-257-7264. <br />Upon resubmittal of the drawings, your application will be given priority and plan review will <br />recommence. <br />All required submittals shall be of sufficient detail and contain sufficient information to ensure that <br />the proposed structure will be constructed in compliance with all adopted codes. <br />Sincerely, n - � <br />� ` r� <br />Steve Miller <br />Associate Engineer <br />CITY OF EVERETT • 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257-8882 <br />