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July 30, 2014 <br /> STREET CLOSURE —ANNUAL CAR SHOW <br /> To authorize the closure of Fleming Street, 52nd Street to the <br /> employee parking lot, for an Annual Car Show on August 9, 2014, 6 <br /> a.m. to 4 p.m., sponsored by Brien Ford. <br /> Roll was called with all council members voting yes. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> The City Council meeting recessed for a special meeting of the Board of <br /> Directors of the Everett Transportation Benefit District. <br /> EVERETT TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT <br /> A special meeting of the Everett Transportation Benefit District was called <br /> to order at 7:45 p.m. Upon roll call it was found that Council Members <br /> Roberts, Moore, Murphy, Gipson, Bader, Stonecipher and Anderson were <br /> present. <br /> ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION: <br /> Richard Tarry, Public Works, gave a brief explanation of the 2014 work <br /> plan for the Transportation Benefit District. He stated that the charter sets <br /> up the quasi-municipal corporation. The Board will consist of the seven <br /> members of the City Council and the officers of the Board shall be the <br /> President and Vice President, who shall be the same as the Everett City <br /> Council President and Vice President. The Treasurer of the District will be <br /> the city's financial officer, the Board will be represented by the City <br /> Attorney and the registered agent of the District is the City Clerk. The <br /> District will issue an annual report and plan indicating the status of costs, <br /> expenditures, revenues and construction schedules to the public. The <br /> by-laws require the adoption of the annual report and plan and the levy of <br /> any tax or fee. <br /> 210 <br />