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l�EGTRIGAL PERIVIIT AP�.I�ATIC)N <br />CITY aF EVERETT PERMfT SERVIC�S <br />3200 CEDAR STREET, EVERETT, WA 98201 <br />(P) 425-257-$81 a( FAX 425-257-88�� �{E} everetteps '(�,'�a everetkwa.gQv � www.evere##wa.gavlpermits <br />aQ��ess <br />LdiNG AREA tif residentiai, new <br />BUILDING TYPE: C1 SFR-t��TAG�IED <br />QF BUILRING: <br />remodel, or addition <br />SFR-ATTACHED O DUPLEX ❑ MUI�Ti-FAMILY -# C}F UNITS:� ❑ COMMERCIAL <br />nur�cc�wc�v r. , ircrauy w,.,,y ��,�.. �..,.., .�.... w .... ................ ...._ _��..__.._.- _. _. _. _ <br />of wurk w1t1 be completed whether speci�red herein ar not. The grantrng of a permit does not presurrre fo giu� �uthority to vrotate or cancef the provisit�ns of any ather sfata or� <br />loaal Imw r�gufating canstruction or tfre per%rmanne of canstructiore. i'hat t am Autharrzed by the awrzer af this pro�re�fy to perform ft�e warir for which auplicatlon is matla and ! <br />cornpty wrlh ihe Sfate Contractors Law 18.27 RCW artd 296.20U WAC. <br />City ol Everett Offrcial Use Onfy <br />PERMIT # <br />� � �C� � � - � 2,_ ��� <br />(RavisAd 9/23l2�Y6} <br />� �����- � <br />