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•.:ii".y �.` ;' fr�� . n �� _ '£ +�s. .C�� � ._ L:i i �� <br />r %. � <br />.7anuary 14, 2015 � <br />SILVER IAICE CEN�ER �LC <br />1i215 19TH AVE S E � . <br />EVERETf, WA 98208 . <br />RE; 1Vew Site Address Assi�nment in the City of Everet� <br />ACRONS: Owner ro pos� address untif permanen�iy installed, Add address to pei�manent records. <br />We wish co expr�ss our appreciatlon to you for helping lo build and improve khe City of Evcrett, Pcrmik (C1411�073} has <br />been issuec! appr�virg the construction o� the buiiding on ti�c following described parcel: Sectlon 20 Township 2b Range <br />05 Quaiter SW STLV�R LAKE GLK 001 �-02 - N 150FT �F S 320FT 0� �! 460F1" OF l"H Pl'N OF LOT 1 BLK 1 <br />LY S OF FDI.. - COM AT SE COR LOT 16 IN VACATC D PIAT �F SII.V�R LK HTS TH � TO W�N OF SD PLI�7 OF <br />SILVER LAK� & POB TH E PLT N LN OF SD BLK 1 1'0 E LN OF SD LOT 1(AKA PAR 1 OF QIA NO 11-96 REC AF <br />NQ 9GQ925Q139) & L[SS AQD'l. R/W DEEDED TO CITY EVE UNDEK AFN 20031231 ].039, parcel nurnber <br />0�5747U07.Oo102, In accordance with Everelt P1�micipal Code chapter 13.44, the building has been assiyned tf�e <br />followinc�prfmary adtlress: <br />11227 19111 DR SE <br />E!/ERETT, WA 98244 <br />Numbers canformfng ta the following table should be posted facing J.9TH !�R SE: <br />ADDRESS 1 t�UMBERING FIGURE SIZE TABL E, per EMC 1 G 03, 030 (l=) <br />Distance from Road or fire Lane Mlnimum Finure Size <br />0— 50 feef *4"Hx 1.5" Vl; %"s(-ioke width <br />51 -- .t 00 feet 6"H x 3" W, %"stroke widtft <br />iQj — l50 feef 8"H x 4" W, %"sfrake widih <br />15� �,Z00 feet 10"H x 5" W, 3/ "stroke tvldth <br />201 feet and up �i,Z"fl x G" W, •% "stroke widfh � <br />xhlir�imum figure size for the prirr�ary address ofnndti-famlly or cammercial bu1/dings ls sl,r Inches (G'), <br />f/eiy/�t-fo-wldth ratio of Fgures sha/I be approxialately 2ff: 1W, conirasting in co%r wrfh their background (b(ack or- <br />whrte o� glaz�ng). 1'f assrgiled addresses cannot be vlewed from a pub/ic u�ay, address numbers should also be posted <br />at the road entrance or1 a pole, or sic�rl, to clearly rdentify which drive�vay or roadway se�ves the posted address, Uwner <br />to past numbers or letters for tenant sulte and apartment doors on both tl�e interiar and e�erior of the buUdinq, with a <br />mirrimum flgure size at least 4 Inches high, P/ease contact Ihe Everett Fire Depaitment to Fnalrze address posting <br />�equirements.• 4,25-157-8.(Z0, <br />Please advise afl utility companies, the Everet� Pos� Office and other Intei�ested parties of the i�ew <br />address assignment to obtaiti postal de6ivery and other services. <br />Sii�cerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permil Services Manager, �vere� Public Warks <br />cc.• USPS Postmaster, Carrler Annex, ,4ddress Management System; Snohomish Coun[y E9-1-.1 Addressing Coordinator, <br />GIS; Snohomrsh County Assessor's OffTce Addressing SuperYlsor, GIS, Parcef Address Lead, Par�e/ O�vner Address <br />Lead; 5nol�omish County Rudrtors d�ce E/ections Addressing Supervisor, GIS; SNOPAC 911; Snohomish Couitty <br />PUD; Puget Soim�l Energy,• City of EveretC Police, Frre MarsfraYs O�ce, Plann/ng, Ut!lrty Ei(ling Manager and Sia(f <br />Utllity Records, GIS Uti/rty Mapp/ng, Pub/Ic Works !�9&O, Pul�lie Works TSG', Traft7c E'nglneer and Staff, Pemrit Seivices <br />Manager and Staff <br />Ghart� No.: SlNZ0285 Address Type; SFR <br />