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�'L/.�9'LA�' ��,�K.� <br />April 3, 2015 <br />SZLVER LAI<E CEN7ER LLC <br />11215 I9TH AVE S E <br />EVERETT, WA 98Z08 <br />RE; I�few Building Address Assign►nent in the City of Everett <br />ACi"TONS, Owner to post address untif permanently instalied, Add addi�ess to permanent records. <br />We wish to express our appreciation to ycu for helping to build and improve the Clty of Everelt. Permit (C1�}11-031) fias <br />been issued approving the conshruckion of the bui(ding on the foilowing described parcel; , SILVE.R LAKE DLl< 001 D-04 - ALl_ <br />TH PTN LQT 1 LY N OF 113TN ST (SR 527) & S OF FDP: S 230FT �F N 460F I OF l�N PTN OF LO {" 1 LY S OF FDL - BEG �1"i <br />SE COR OF LO�i' 16 VACATED PLAT OF SILVER LAI<E HTS TH E TO WLN BLK 1 PLA7 OF SILVER LA!<E -i0 POB SU LN TH E <br />PLT N LN SD BLK 1 TO E LN Of- LOT 1& TERM SD LN EXC S7 HVdY AS CONVYD E3Y DEFDS UNDER AF�d 1399592 & 20496?_1 <br />TGbV S 350FT OF tiN .l3QFT OF LOT 2 BLfC 1 SD PLATTGW SHRLNDS OF 2ND CLASS TF ANY IU FRONT OF, ADJ -�hiR-i 0 OR <br />ABTG THON AS COhVYD BY S'� OF WA BY DEED REC AFN 191083 EXC ANY PTN LY WHN EV-BOT HWY & LESS ADD`L R/Vd <br />DEEDED TO CITY EVE UNDER AFN200312311039 parcel number Oa5747001Q0204. In accordance avith �veret� <br />Municipal Code chapter 13.44, the building has been assigned the following primary address: <br />1926 112TH PL SE <br />EE/EREI`l; i�YA 98204 <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should be posted facing i1�TH PL S�: <br />ADORESS NUMBERIN6 FIGURE SIZE TABL� per EMC i6. 03. 03J (F) <br />Distance frorn Road or Fire Lane Mininruir� Fr�re Size <br />D— 50 feet *4 ' H x 1. 5" W, '/z "stroke width <br />51 — i00 feet 6"H x 3" W, 3/a "stroke width <br />101 — I50 feet 8`H x 4" W, %"stroke v�✓idth <br />151 — Z00 feet 10"Hx 5" 1N, 3/ "stroke width <br />201 feet and up 12"Hx 6" W, %' stroke widih <br />�*ivl/nimum figure size for the primary address of multl-famr/y or commercial buildings is srx inchcs (6'J. <br />Height Co-width �atio of �jures sha/I be a�proximate/y 2H: IW, contrasting in calor wilh their background (black o,r <br />white an glazing). If assigned add�esses cannoF be viewed fram a public way, address �7umbers should also be posted <br />at the road entrance on a po% or sign, to c%��rly identify wllich driveway or roadway serves the posted address. Owner <br />to post nUmbers or le(ters for ienant surte and apartinent doors on both the interior ar,d exterinr of the building, with a <br />minimum figure size at leasf 9 inches hiqh, Please co�rtact the Evemlt Fire Department to fina/ize addiess pvs(ing <br />requirements.• 425-257-8120. <br />Pfease advise all utility companies, the Cverett Post Office and ather interested parties of the new address assignment to <br />obfam postal deiivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permit 5ervices Manager, �verett PubEic Works <br />cc.� USPS Postmaster, Carrier Annex, Address t�lanagement System; Snchomish County E9-1-1 Addressrag Coordinator, <br />GIS; Snohomish County Assessors O�ce Addressing Supervisor, GIS, Parcel Address Lead, Parcel Owner �Iddress <br />Lead; Snohomrsh County Auditors O�ce Elections Addressing Supervisor, GIS; SNOPAC 911; Si� County <br />PUD; Puget Sound Energy; Crty of Everett Police, Frre Marshal's O�ce, Plan��ing, Utrlrty Billing h9arla�er and Stvff, <br />Uiility Recoids, GIS Utilrty Mapping, Public Waks M&O, Public Works TSG, Tra�c Engineer and .Staff, Permit Services <br />Manager and Staff <br />Charf� Na.: SW10Z85 Address Type.• SFR <br />ENGINEERING / PUBLIC SERVICES DIVISION • 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-880b ^ F'ax (425) 257-8856 <br />