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�/%%��,�� ����.� <br />April 3, 2015 <br />SILVER LAKE CENTER I.LC <br />11215 19TH AVE S E <br />EVERETT, WA 98208 <br />RE: Neav Building Address Assignment in the City of Everett <br />ACTIONS: Owner to post address ur�til permanently installed. Add address to permanent records. <br />We wish to express our appreciation to you for helping to buiid and improve the City of Everett. Permit (C14i1-032) has <br />been issuecl approving the construction oF the building on the following desa�ibed parcel: SII,VER L�1KE 13T_,.K U01 D-o4 - nLL <br />Ti� PTN LOT 1 LY N OP' 113"['H 5'T (SR 527) & S OF FDP: S 230FT' OI� N 460F I' OF "I'H P'I'N OP LOT 1 7_,Y S 01� NllL - BrG A"T <br />SF COR UP LOT 16 VACATL'D 1'LAT OF SILV�R LAKE HTS TFI E"I'0 WLN BLIC 1 PLAT OF SILVI;R I..AICE'I'0 POB ST� i.N <br />7'II E PLT N T,N Sl� BLK 1 TO E LN OF LOT 1& TBRM SD LN L,7i.0 ST �IWY AS CONVYD I3Y bEEDS UNL�ER AFN 13>9592 & <br />20�9G21 TG'l�l S 350FT OF W I30FT OF LOT 2 BLK 1 SDPLATTGW SIIRLNDS OF 2ND CI.ASS IF ANY IN PRONT OP, AD7 <br />THRTO ORABTG THON A5 CONVYD BY ST OF �'JABY DEED REC AFN 191083 �XC ANY PTN LY WIIN IsV-BOT FiWY S; <br />L�SSADD'LR/WDEEDBATOCTTYEVEiJNDERAFN2QD312311039, parce) number 00574700100104, In acco;dance <br />with Everett Municipal Code chapter ].3,�}4, the bullding has been assigned the followina primary_.acidress: <br />1928 112TH PL SE <br />El/ERETT, WA 98208 <br />Numbers conforming ho lhe following table should be posted facing 112TH PL SE: <br />ADDRESS NUMBE'i�ING FIGURE SIZE TABLC-, per ENIC 16, 03. 030 (F) <br />Distance from Road or Fire Lane Minimum Fic�ure Size <br />0— SO feet �`4"H x i.5"W, %z "stroke wrdth <br />SI —100 feet 6"H x 3" W, %"sProke width <br />101 —150 feet 8"H x 4" !�; %'stroke width <br />151 -- 200 feet 10 'H x 5" W, %"sti oke wrdth <br />201 feef and up IZ"H x G" W, %"stroke width <br />�Minimunt Fgure size for the primary address of mulfi-fami/y or commercial buildings is six incncs (6 ), <br />HerghC-to-wldth ratto af figures shall be approxiinately 2H: IW, confra�tiny irt rolar witl� their background (blac% or <br />ivhrte on g/azing). If assrgned addresses cvnnot be �rew�d from a pub/ic H�a}; address numbers shou/d a/so be posle.d <br />at fhe road entrance on a po% or sign, to c%aily identify whrch driveway or roadway serves the posted addi�ess O�vner <br />to post numbers or letters for tenant suite and apart�r�Pnt daors an both fhe rnterior and exterinr of the building, with a <br />miitimum figure size at least 4 inches high. P/ease contact the Everett Fire Department to finalize address posti��g <br />requrrements: 425-2518.T20. <br />Please advise all utllity companies, the Everett Post Office and other interested parties of the new address assignmEnt to <br />obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permit Services Manager, Everett Public 1^Jorks <br />cc,• USPS Postrrlaster, Carrier Annex, Address Management System; Snohomish County E9-1-1 Addressinq Coorarnator, <br />6IS; Snohomish Counly Assessor's O�ce Addressing Supervr'sor, GIS, Parcel Address Lead, P�icel Owi�er Address <br />Lead; Snohomish County Auditor's D�ce Electrons Addressing Supervrsar, 6IS; SNOPRC 911; Snohomisfi Countj <br />PUD; Puget Sound Energy; City of EvereCt Police, Fire Ma�shal's O�ce, Planning, Utility Bil/ing M�nager and Stah; <br />Utility Records, GIS Utilrty Mappin�, Publrc Warks M&O, Public Works iSG, Traftic Engitaeer and Staff; PermiC� Services <br />Manager and Sfaff <br />Chait No.: SW20Z85 Address Type: SFR <br />ENGINEERING / PUBLIC SERVIC�S DIVISION • 32Q0 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 �(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257-0856 <br />