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2528 E GRAND AVE 2017-01-13
Address Records
2528 E GRAND AVE 2017-01-13
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Last modified
1/13/2017 8:08:42 PM
Creation date
12/15/2016 9:27:50 AM
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GWB and includes a structural post that is supported by a GWB covered structure below <br />in the 2"d story. <br />A modern, flexible gas pipe is evident within the `dumb waiter' shaft that goes from the <br />basement to the attic. The label on the pipe has an "ICC -ES" listing — an organization <br />that did not exist until 2003. There are no gas-piping permits in the record from 2003 or <br />after. <br />2. A bathroom has been added in the attic without permits or approvals: <br />a. Exposed ABS drain line (modern with bar-code stickers) is located in the stair run from <br />the 2�d story to the attic and exposed on the outside of the GWB. <br />b. All walls in the bathroom are GWB <br />c. The shower is fiberglass (modern construction). <br />d. The modern pedestal sinlc plumbs into ABS drain (with store bar-code sticl<ers still <br />attached to the ABS). <br />3. The third floor is a separate dwelling unit from the lower floors having a locl<ed door and <br />separate stairway. This second dwelling unit mal<es the building a duplex. In order for the <br />structure to be a lawful duplex, there are many building, and planning code permits and <br />requirements that have not been obtained or met. <br />4. A permit in 1994 was secured for two forced air heating systems (including gas piping). It is <br />possible that the two units shown within the building are the units from 1994, however a permit <br />secured for a heating system in no way relieves an owner or occupant from any or all <br />requirements to mal<e the structure a lawful duplex. <br />5. The electrical panel in the attic lacl<s required worlcing clearance. <br />6. The habitable rooms in the attic lacic minimum natural light. <br />7. The habitable rooms in the attic lack minimum natural ventilation. <br />Mechanical (all levels) <br />1. Permits have been secured for two mechanical forced-air units in 1994 and gas piping. There <br />have been no mechanical permits since 1994. <br />2. There are no permits, inspections and approvals on file for the hot water heater on the 2"d floor. <br />The first hour rating is required to be a minimum of 80 gallons per Table 501.1 of the 2012 UPC. <br />3, The bathroom in the attic is required to have a mechanical exhaust fan vented to the outside. <br />4. The exhaust fan for the stove currently terminates into the cabinet above but instead must <br />exhaust directly to the exterior. <br />Plumbing system (all levels) <br />1, There are numerous PVC and ABS pipes used for plumbing throughout the building. These <br />materials are not vintage and there are still bar-coded sticl<ers on several pieces of the material. <br />The last plumbing inspection for the structure was in 1973 (without an associated permit on <br />file); there have been no permits since. <br />2. Most, if not all sinl<s, lavatories, showers and toilets throughout the structure are newer then <br />1973 and have no record of being permitted, inspected and approved. <br />�5 <br />
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