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Octiober 20, 2016 <br />ROBERT TRIGGS <br />14206 SILVER FIRS DR <br />EVERETT, WA 98208 <br />Everett Public Works <br />BUCKLEY ROBERT <br />710 OLYMPIC BLVD <br />EVERETT, WA 98203 <br />RE: STATUS OF YOUR CITY OF EVERETT PERMIT(S) <br />Job Address: 705 OLYMPIC BLVD <br />Permit: PW1301-019 ATTACH UNDERGROUND GUTTER DRAIN <br />(Please reference both permit number and address when cailing or writing) <br />According to our records, this permit does not have final approval.. Permits become invalid if the work <br />is not commenced or is suspended or abandoned for more than 180 days. <br />We would like your help in clarifying the status of your project: <br />If the work has been completed or abandoned let us know so that we can clear the permit from <br />active status. <br />If you would like to document completion or status of work under this permit, please call our <br />automated inspection line at 425-257-8881 OR schedule on-line at <br />https: //everettwa.qov/FormCenter/Public-1Norks-5/Inspection-RequestPerm it-Services-123 <br />before 4 pm for next day inspection. <br />Submit a written request for a 180 day extension, detailing justifiable cause for extension. <br />Please contact us by November 22, 2016 to schedule inspections or request extension. <br />After that time the file will be sent to microfilm without final approval. <br />If the permits are allowed to expire and you decide to go ahead with the project in the future, you may <br />be required to apply for and purchase new permits, meeting current Code criteria. <br />City of Everett Permit Services <br />CITY OF EV�RETT PUBLIC WORKS 3200 Cedar St, Everett, WA 98201 (425) 257-8810 <br />