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December 30, 2014 <br />SII.VER LAKE CENTER LLC <br />1121519THAVES� � <br />EVERETT, WA 98208 <br />RE; New Building Address Assignrnent in the City of Cverett � . <br />ACT"IONS: Owner lo post address until permanently Installed, Add address to permanent recards, <br />We wisfi ta express our appreclatfon to you for helping lo bu(!d and (mprove the City of Everett, Permit (G141i- <br />096) h�s been issued approving the constructlon of the buflding on the followfng described parcel; si�.v�tt <br />LAKE BLK 001 D-04 - ALL TH PTN LOT 1 LY N OF 113TH ST (SR 527) & S OF FDP: S 230F1' OF N�60FT OP <br />TH Pl'Rf 01= LO7 1 LY S dF' FDL - BEG AT SE COR OF LOT 16 VACATED P[AT OF SIC.VER LAK� H�fS TH � TO <br />WLN BLK 1 PLAT OF SILVER LAKE TO POE3 SD LiV TH E PLT N l.N SD BLK 1 i0 E LN OF LOT 1& TERM SD LN <br />EXC ST HWY AS CONVYb BY b�EDS UNDER AFN 1399592 & 2Q49Fi21 TGW 5 350Fi' OF W 130Ff OF LOT 2 <br />BI.K 1 5D PLA"ITGW SHRLN�S 0[= 2ND CLA55 TF ANY IN FRONT 4F,�AD7 THRTO OR ASTG Tf10N AS CONVYp <br />BY S7 OF WA BY DEED REC AFN 19I083 EXC ANY PTN LY WHN EV-B�T HWY & LESS ADD`L R/W DEEdED "1"O <br />C1TY EVE UNDER APN20Q317_311039, parcel number 005747001Up102, In accortfance with Everett Munlcfpa( <br />Code chapter 13,44, the building has been asslgned the followinq �Irnarv address: <br />19i.2 1137H PL SE <br />E=l/Eh'��?, WA 93204 <br />Numbers conforminy �o the following table should be posted facing 1.13�1"H PL SE: <br />ADDRESS NUMB�RZNG FIGURE SIZE TABL E, per EMC 16. 03. 030 (F) <br />Dista2ce Pr�r� Road or Fi�e Larte Minimum �h7ure Slze <br />0— SO feet *4" H x 1, 5" W, %z "stroke widlh <br />51-100 feet 6"H x 3" W, 3/�"stroke width <br />I01— I50 feef 8"Hx �"W, 3/ "stioke wldth <br />151— 200 feet �0" H x S" W, 3/ "stroke wrdth <br />201 feet and up IZ"H x 6" W, 3/ "stroke �vldtf� <br />*hllnimum flgure size for the prlmary address of mu/tl-farnlly or commercla/ bur/dir�gs /s s�x inches (6'), <br />Height-to-wldth ratlo of flgures shall l�e ��pproxfmately ZFIr 1W, cantrastinq !n color with thelr Gackground (b/ack or <br />wh/te on glazing), 1'f asslqned addresses cannot be ulewed from a publrc �vay, address numUers should also be posted <br />at the road entiance on a po%, or slgn, to clearly idenilfy whlch drlve�ray or roadrvay serves the posted address Owner <br />to post numbe�s or letCers for tenant suile a�d apa�trnent doors on both tfte lnterlor �ird exterlor of the building, wrth a <br />nl/nimum flgure slze a[� /easl� 4/nches hlgh. P/ease contact the Everett Flre Department to flna/ize a�ldress posting <br />requlrements.� 925-257-8i20. . <br />Please �dvise all utilfty compar�fes, the Everetf post Office and other Interested pa�tles of the new address <br />�ss(gnment to obtafn pastal de}ivery and other se�vices. <br />Sincerely, <br />Pau! McKee, Pennit Services Manager, Everett P��blic Works <br />cc; USPS Postmaster, Carrrer Annex, Address Management System; Snohamish County E9-1-1 Addressbly Coord/natar, <br />GIS; Snohomish County Assessor's Offlce Address/ng Supervrsor, GIS, Parcel Address Lead, Parcel 0�^mer Address <br />Lead; Snoltomish County Audltor's O�ce Electlons Addressing Supervlsor, GIS'; SNOPAC 9.l1, Si�ohomish County <br />PUD; Puget Sound Energy; Cify of Fverelt Po/ice, f/re �9arsha!'s Offlce, Planiring, Utility Brlling Manager and Statf, <br />Utllity Records, GI'S UtlJrty Mapping, Public Wvrks !�9&0, Publlc lNorks T5'G, Trvff)c �'nglneer and Staff, Perrnit Servlces <br />Manager and Staff Cfrart No.: SW2Q2p5 Addiess I'ype; SFR <br />