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\.� � � �.� � � <br />December 30, 2014 � <br />SILVER 1AK� CENT�R LLC <br />112�5 19TH AVE S E <br />�VEREfT, WA 9£3208 <br />RE; New �utldfng Address Assignment in the City of Everett <br />ACTIONS; Owner to post address untii permanently installed, Add address to permanet�t records. <br />We wlsh lo express aur appr�ciation to you for halping to build and Improve the City of Everett, Permit (C1411- <br />097) has been issued approving the constructlon of tl�e building on tf�e followfng described parcel: STLVER <br />L/1KE BLK OU1 D�O�} - AL� TH PTN LO7 1 LY N OF 113TH S�I� (SR 527) & S OF FDP: S?.3QFT OF N 460F�' OF <br />TH PTIV OF L07 � L.Y S OF FDL - BEG A7 S� COR OF' LOT 16 VACAT�D PlA7 OF SILVER LAKE H7S TH E TO <br />WLN BLK 1 PLAT OF SILVER LAKE 'i"0 F'01� SD LN -I"H E PLT N LN SD BLK 1 70 � �N �F L.OT ]. & TERf+I SD LN <br />�XC ST HWY AS C�NVYD BY DEEDS UNDGR A�N 1399592 & 2049621 TGV�/ S 350FT OF W 130F7 OF I.OT 2 <br />BLI< J. 5Q PLATTG�hJ SHRLiVDS OF 2ND CLASS TF ANY IN FRONT OF, ADJ THRI'0 OR ABTG THON AS CONVYD <br />BY ST OF WA BY DEED R�C AFN 191083 �XC ANY PTN l.Y WNN �V-BO'I' HWY & LESS ADD`L R/W DE�UED TO <br />CITY �VE UNDER AFNZ00312311039, parcef number U0574700i00102. Tn accordance wit�► Everett N1un}cipal <br />Code chapter 13.�4, lhe building has been assigned the followina primary a�dress; <br />J.9i.6 i.137H, PL.SF <br />EVEREI7; WA 98,209 <br />Numbers conPorming to the followfng lable shouid be posted facing ��3TH PL SE; <br />ADDJZ�SS NUMBERING FIGUR[ SfZF_ iASLE, pel' EMC 16.03. �30 (F) <br />Distance f'rom Road ar F�re Lane Mlnbnum Fi�t��re Size <br />0— 50 feei- *�"H x 1. 5" W, %z "stroke width <br />51 —100 feet 6° H x 3" W, �/ "stroke width <br />101 --150 feet 8"Hx 9" W, j/ "stroke wldlh <br />I51-- 200 feet 10"H x 5" W, 3/ "stroke �vidtl� <br />ZOl Peet and up 12"H x 6" W, 3/ "slroke wldth <br />�`Nlinlrnunt figure size For ihe prhrtary address ofrnu/tI-Pan�i/y or co�nmercl�/ bur/dings Is six iilches (6'), <br />Nelghf-to-wldtlr ratio of figures sha!l be approxin�ately 7,f�� iW, contrast/ng In co%r with thelr background (b/ack or <br />whlle on glazing). If asslgned addresses cannoi- be viewed iram a pub/ic way, address num6eis should also be posted <br />at the raad entrance on a po% or sign, to dearly identify whlch drlve�vay or ro�dway serves the posted address Oivner <br />to post num6ers ot' letters for tena�t suite and apartment dooCs on both t/Te /nferior and exterior of tfte 6u!/d/r7g, wlt/� a <br />min/mum frgure size at least� 9 inches high, Please contact the �verett F'ire Department to �i�alize address postrn.y <br />requlrements; 925-257-QIzO. <br />Please advfse a(I utifity companfes, the Everett PosC Office and ather interesCed part(es of the new address <br />assignment to obtain posta! delivery and other servfces. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permft Services Manager, �verett Publlc Works <br />cc: USPS Postmaster, Carrler Annex, Addr�,°ss ManagemenF Systern; Sno/lomish County E9-1-.1 Addressing Coordinalor, <br />GIS; Snohomish County Assessors OftTce Addressing Supern'sor, GIS, Parcel Address �ead, Parcel Owner Arldress <br />Lead; Snohomish Counry Audrtor's Office E/ectlons Addressing Supervisor, GIS; SNOPAC 911; Snohomish Cocmty <br />PUO; Puget Sou�id Ei�er�y; City of Fverelt Police, Fire Marsh�r/'s Office, P/anniny, Utllity t3//ling Mailager and Staff, <br />Utrlily Records, 61S Utillly M�7pping, Puf�l(c Works M&O, Puf�llc Works TSG, T�affic �i�glneer and Siaff, Permlt Scrvlces <br />Manager and Slaff Chart No.: SW70785 Address Type; SffZ <br />