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January 5, 2015 <br />SILVER LAKE CENTER LLC • <br />1121519'1'HAVESC <br />EVER�TI', WA 9II208 <br />RE; New Building Address Assignment In the Cfly o� E:verett <br />ACTIONS: Owner to post• address until permanenlly (nslalled, Add acldress tfl permanenl records, <br />We wish to �xpress our appreciation to you far helping to bufld anci fmprove the City of �veretfi. Permit (C1411- <br />09t3} has been fssued approvfng the construction of the bullding on the following described parcel: SII.V�R <br />LAKE BLK �OJ. D-U4 - ALL TH P7N LOT 1 LY N OF �1.3TH ST (Sf2 527) & S O� FDP; S 230F1� �r N 460FT 01= <br />1�H PTN OF L.OT 1 L.Y S OF FDL - E3EG AT SE COR OF I.OT 16 VACAT�b PLAT' OF SILVER LAKE HTS TH � TO <br />WLN BLK 1 PLAT �F SILVER I.AKE l'O POB S� LN TH � PLT N LN SD BLK 1 TO E LN OF LOT 1& T�RM SD LN <br />EXC 5T !-{WY AS CONVYD BY DEERS UNDER AFN 1399592 & 204962i TGW S 350FT OF W 130FT OF �.OT 2 <br />8LK I SD PLATTGW SHRLNDS OF 2ND CLASS IF ANY IN FRONT 4F, ADJ TNRTO OR AB7G 7}-ION AS CONVYD <br />BY S�' OF WA BY pEED REC AFN 191083 �XC ANY PTN LY W4iN EV-BOT f-iWY & LESS ADD'L R/W DEEbED TO <br />CiTY EVE UNDER AFN2003i231103Q, parcel number 0057470o1001qz. Ir� accorclat�ce wEth Everett Municipal <br />Code chapCer 13.99, the bullding has been assigned the followincx�rim� address: <br />1920 113TH PL SE <br />EVEREI-!", WA 9820�� <br />Numbers conforming ta the following table should be posted facing 113TH PL 5E: <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURE SIZE Ti98L �, per �MC 16. 03. U30 (FJ <br />Dlsta�c� from Road or �ire Lane Minlnx�m Flgure Size <br />D- SD feet *4" H x 1, 5" VV, %2 "stroke wldth <br />S.1 -100 feet 6"H x 3" W, 3/ "stroke width <br />101 - �50 feet fl"l-1 x 9" Vl; 3/ "str�ke wldth <br />.151 - 20� feei �0"H x 5" W, 3l "stroke widtl� <br />2Di feet and up 12" H x 6" W, 3/a "st� oke wicltl� <br />*Minimum flgure slze for the primary address of multi-famrly or commercial Gulldl�tgs is six inches (6'). <br />Helghf to-width ratlo of figures sha/I be approx/nlately ZH.• i�1; confrast/ng b� co%r with thelr backc�round (b/ack or <br />Vrhite on glazinq). If assig�red addresses cannot be v/ewed from a publlc way, address numbers should also be posted <br />at the road entrance on a po% or slgn, to c%arly identlfy whlch drlvetvay or roadway serves the �osted address, Owner <br />io post numbeis or letters for��te and apait�»ent daors on both the rnterior and ext�rlor of the building, witlt a <br />minlntum figure srze at /east 9 Jnches hlgh. P/ease contact the �'verett Flre Department to finalize address posting <br />requirements: 425-257-8�20. <br />Please advise ali utillty companies, the Everet� Post Office and other Ir�Yerested partles of the new address <br />asslgnment to obtafn postal deilvery and otiler services, <br />Sincerefy, <br />Paul McKee, Permil Services Manager, Everett Public Works <br />cc.� USPS Postmaster, Carrier Annex, Address Management SysCem; Snohomish Counfy E9-1-1 Addressing Coordlr�ator, <br />GIS; Snolromish Coeu�ty Assessors 0(�ce Addressing Supervlsor, GIS, Parcel Address Lead, Parcel Owner Rddress <br />Ce�7d; Si�ohomish County Auditor's O�ce E/ections Addiesslnq Supervisor, GIS; SNOPAC 911; Snohomish County <br />PUD; Puget Sound Ener�y; Crty of Everelt Police, Fire Marshals O�ce, Planning, Utllity Billing Manaqer and Staff, <br />Ut//ity Records, GrS Uti/ity Mapping, Pub//c Works M&0, Pub//c Works TSG, Tra�c Englneer and StafF Per�fylt Services <br />Mai�ager and Staff Cltari' No, : SW20285 Address 7 ype: SFR <br />