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� <br />� <br />"1'hc building permit applicutiun for ihc aho��c-rclinnccd projcct is bcing conditionally acccp�ed for liling <br />pcnding Ihc Jctcrmination of its complc�cness. <br />If thc Cily rcvicu� dctcnnines ihat any additimial land usc anpro�al or any additional infomtation is <br />rcyuired to complete your building permit application, it will be necessary to submit lhis additional <br />inli�nnation or acyuirc thc addi�ional land usc approval prior �o your application bcing considcrcd complc�c <br />liir tiling. If nu otl�cr land usc appruval or additional information is requircJ, your builJing permit <br />upplica�ion will bc c����sidcred lilcd as of Ihis da�e. <br />PERMIT APPLICATIONS EXPIRE IF NO PERMIT IS <br />0 DAYS FOLLOWING THE DATE OF APPLICATION. <br />