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e <br />construcUon, work or act3vity will not inter[ere with Uie City"� easement grnnted <br />herein; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, Any ehnnges or revisions in the plans shall elso be <br />subject to City's prlor �a�eemeni. The City's review ,if the Crantor's plans under <br />this easement shall not be deemed to impose any duty or obliga:ton on the City to <br />determine the adequacy or suffIciency of Crantor's pinns nnd d�si6ms nor whether <br />Grantor's construetlon, work or ertivity fs in contormance wtth other epplicable <br />plans, codes nnd reguletions. Further, agreement by the City to such construction, <br />work or aetiv(ty shall not in nny menner be considered as imposing any obligntion, <br />duty or llabillty upon the C(ty es to the sufety or pr��priety ot such construction, <br />work or e^tivity. <br />,.. Crantor hereby euthorizes City to cut, trim cind remove any und all <br />brush, trees, other vegetatton or debris upon the ensement and the right of access <br />tor such purposes. Grentor also authortzes the City to cut, trirn end remove any <br />end all brush, trees, other vegetatton and debris on Crentor's property whlch, in the <br />City's reesoneble judgment, constitutes n hezerd t�> the easement and the right of <br />access for sLch purposes. <br />4. The Crantor ugrees that title to ell brush, trees, other vegetatlon or <br />debrls trimmed, cut end removed from the easement piUsunnt tn this Agreement, <br />and nlso all brush, trees, other vegeteUon or debris trimmed, cut nnd removed from <br />Grantor's land pursuant to thls Agreement is vested in the City, and that the <br />cons(derntlon pa[d [or conveying said eesement and riglits herein described is <br />accepted as full compensation for ell damages incidentel to the exercise of any of <br />said rights. <br />5. In the event Grentor places any impruvemr.uts on the easement or <br />construets ¢nything on the ensemer.t without first having obtained the written <br />epproval of the City Engineer, the Greittor shnll cease all such netivity and remove <br />eny end all improvements placed therecn w(thout the written agreement of the <br />City Engineer. In the event Grantor tella to obta(n prfor approval, C�antor hereby <br />authorizes the City to remove nny etnd ell improvements pluced or constructed <br />thereon end hold the City, its offtcers, employees ond agents hnrmless [rom <br />damege caused to sald (mprovements from removnl thereof. Grentor further <br />egrees to pay the City [or any and aL costs incurred by the City in re moving the <br />improvements. This right (s (n addit(or to any other r(ght tlie City mny hnve at law <br />or in equity. <br />6. Grantor daes release, indemnify and ��romise to de(end nnd snve <br />hermless the City, its officers, employees end agents trom and against eny and all <br />llebillty, loss, demege, expense, uctions ancl claims,including costs nnd rensonable <br />attorney's fees incurred by the Ci;y, its officers, employees and egents (n defense <br />thereo[, asserting or arising directly or indireetly on account of or out ot Granlor's <br />use or activity on/in the atrove-described easement; Provided, Iiowever, this <br />paragraph does not purport to indemnify the City egainst linbility for damnges <br />aristng out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property ceused by or resulting <br />trom the sole negligence of the City, its o[[icers, employees nnd egents. <br />7. The Gruntor also covennnts to and with the City thnt Grantor LS <br />lawfully setzed and possessed of the land atoresaid; I�as n good nnd lawful right nnd <br />power to sell end convey same; that same is free nnd clear of encumbrnnces, <br />except as ebove indtcated; and thet Grentor wiIt forever werrant and de[end the <br />title to said eesement end tlie quiet possession thereof ageinst the lawful claims <br />and demnnds of all persons whomsoever. <br />ENT -2 �'���4�5()33�3 <br />VUL ],;�GOFAG[O�� <br />z <br />0 <br />� <br />c� <br />m <br />.. �. <br />�� <br />..� <br />in x <br />v <br />m <br />co <br />mo <br />-� c <br />03� <br />�z <br />x� <br />m <br />� <br />,o z <br />a --i <br />rx <br />.. <br />=� �n <br />� <br />O A <br />T �� <br />x <br />mN <br />�m <br />c in <br />m N <br />z t'� <br />�m <br />D <br />A <br />�i <br />x <br />a <br />s <br />� <br />x <br />� <br />z <br />0 <br />1 <br />� <br />m <br />