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Sen!ember L0, 196t1 <br />Mre. Gladys H. Cohb <br />E31ack lliamor.d, Waehingt��n 98010 <br />De�.r h5re. Cobb: <br />Reference here is to your letter requeeting information re3arding coiuzecCiug <br />a residence to a public oewar syatem. <br />Tho eewer connaction and eide sewer inetallatiou ie relatively eimple. Tlzc <br />City Ordinancee require that a Liceneed and Bonded Sewer Contractor be <br />engaged to make the connection and .lay the aide eewer. The coet of thie worl: <br />will bo the price nagotiated bet�veen •fou and the Contraclor you select to 10 <br />She work. <br />Below are lieted the namee, addreeees of four licaneed and bonded Sawer Tappere <br />any one of which will inetnll a pzoper job for you: <br />lvioretti Conetruction Co. 10015-23rd Avenue West, or P. O. Box 2066, <br />Evesett, 98Z01 Phone; EL 3-2736 <br />Hoback Sackhoe Sarvice 4007 Paine Street, Everett, 98201 Phone: AL 2-2511 <br />Paul Weathered, Routa 1, Box 492, Maryeville, Waeh. 98270 Phone: 334-2693 <br />Edgewater Landecaping Co. Route 5, Box 780 C, Everatt, 98201 Phone: <br />FA 6-5"L00 <br />Thoea are all reliabla contractorn and you can make your own arrangemente <br />with any of them. <br />Ivire. Cobb, I believe you ehould know the eeptic tank ie located under the <br />reeidence and it muet be pumped out and filled w?th earth or aggregate and <br />this bui).ding will have to be replumbed ae the plumbing ae is cannot be connected <br />to a public sewer. <br />Thie office ie at your eervice at all timee and it will be our pleasure to aid <br />and aeeiet you in any way in which we may legally do so. <br />Youre eincerely, <br />EDWARD O. DORCY <br />Inspector of Se�vcrs and Plumbing <br />EOD:bd <br />